Rule Chapter: 6A-6
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 6A-6.010 General Adult Education (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.011 Definition of Adult Student (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.012 Plans of Organization and Administration of Local Adult General Education Program (Repealed) 6/23/2016
Rule file 6A-6.0131 Responsibilities of Local Sponsors for Implementing the Education for the Handicapped Adult Program (Repealed) 11/26/2008
Rule file 6A-6.0132 Education for Handicapped Adult Program (Repealed) 11/26/2008
Rule file 6A-6.014 General Requirements for Adult General Education Program 2/18/2025
Rule file 6A-6.015 Professional Requirements for Administrators and Supervisors of Adult General Education Program (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.020 Granting High School Credits and Diplomas to Adults 1/23/2013
Rule file 6A-6.0200 Graduation Alternative to Traditional Education Program 10/29/2024
Rule file 6A-6.0201 State of Florida High School Diplomas 10/29/2024
Rule file 6A-6.0202 Awarding High School Diplomas to Honorably Discharged Veterans 12/3/2013
Rule file 6A-6.0203 Awarding High School Diplomas to Eligible Persons Previously Confined to the Dozier School for Boys or Okeechobee School 10/29/2024
Rule file 6A-6.021 State of Florida High School Diplomas (Repealed) 6/25/2014
Rule file 6A-6.0212 Performance-Based Exit Option Model and State of Florida High School Performance-Based Diploma 4/30/2024
Rule file 6A-6.022 Required Instruction in Florida History and Government (Repealed) 11/13/2012
Rule file 6A-6.024 School Entry Health Examination 12/2/2015
Rule file 6A-6.025 Disbursement of Driver Education Funds (Repealed) 4/14/1976
Rule file 6A-6.0251 Use of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors. 3/24/2008
Rule file 6A-6.0252 Use of Prescribed Pancreatic Enzyme Supplements 7/22/2014
Rule file 6A-6.0253 Diabetes Management 8/18/2020
Rule file 6A-6.03011 Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Intellectual Disabilities 1/4/2009
Rule file 6A-6.03012 Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Speech Impairments and Qualifications and Responsibilities for the Speech-Language Pathologists Providing Speech Services 7/1/2010
Rule file 6A-6.030121 Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Language Impairments and Qualifications and Responsibilities for the Speech-Language Pathologists Providing Language Services. 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.03013 Exceptional Student Education Eligibility and Assessments for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing 5/21/2024
Rule file 6A-6.03014 Exceptional Student Education Eligibility and Assessments for Students with Visual Impairments 5/21/2024
Rule file 6A-6.03015 Special Programs for Students who are Physically Impaired (Repealed) 7/1/2007
Rule file 6A-6.030151 Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Orthopedic Impairment 12/15/2009
Rule file 6A-6.030152 Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Other Health Impairment 12/15/2009
Rule file 6A-6.030153 Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Traumatic Brain Injury 12/15/2009
Rule file 6A-6.03016 Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities 12/15/2009
Rule file 6A-6.03018 Exceptional Education Eligibility for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.03019 Special Instructional Programs for Students who are Gifted 7/14/2002
Rule file 6A-6.030191 Development of Educational Plans for Exceptional Students Who Are Gifted 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.03020 Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students Who Are Homebound or Hospitalized 6/20/2017
Rule file 6A-6.03021 Special Programs for Students Who Are Profoundly Handicapped (Repealed) 1/18/2007
Rule file 6A-6.03022 Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Dual Sensory Impairments 12/23/2014
Rule file 6A-6.03023 Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder 4/1/2015
Rule file 6A-6.03024 Provision of Occupational or Physical Therapy to Exceptional Students as a Related Service 8/22/2012
Rule file 6A-6.03025 Special Programs for Exceptional Students who Require Occupational Therapy (Repealed) 8/22/2012
Rule file 6A-6.03026 Eligibility Criteria for Prekindergarten Children with Disabilities 3/25/2013
Rule file 6A-6.03027 Special Programs for Children Three Through Nine Years Old who are Developmentally Delayed 9/20/2022
Rule file 6A-6.03028 Provision of Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and Development of Individual Educational Plans for Students with Disabilities 8/27/2024
Rule file 6A-6.030281 Provision of Equitable Services to Parentally-Placed Private School Students with Disabilities 12/22/2008
Rule file 6A-6.03029 Development of Individualized Family Support Plans for Children with Disabilities Ages Birth Through Five Years 12/23/2014
Rule file 6A-6.03030 Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Infants or Toddlers Birth Through Two Years Old who have Established Conditions 4/4/2013
Rule file 6A-6.03031 Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Infants and Toddlers Birth Through Two Years Old who are Developmentally Delayed 4/4/2013
Rule file 6A-6.03032 Procedural Safeguards for Children with Disabilities Ages Birth Through Two Years 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.03033 Specialized Instructional Services (SIS) for Voluntary Prekindergarten Children (VPK) with Disabilities 9/16/2012
Rule file 6A-6.0311 Eligible Special Programs for Exceptional Students 3/6/1996
Rule file 6A-6.0312 Course Modifications for Exceptional Students (Repealed) 6/23/2016
Rule file 6A-6.0331 General Education Intervention Procedures, Evaluation, Determination of Eligibility, Reevaluation and the Provision of Exceptional Student Education Services 8/16/2022
Rule file 6A-6.03311 Procedural Safeguards and Due Process Procedures for Parents and Students with Disabilities 8/27/2024
Rule file 6A-6.03312 Discipline Procedures for Students with Disabilities 4/21/2011
Rule file 6A-6.03313 Procedural Safeguards for Exceptional Students Who Are Gifted 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.03314 Procedural Safeguards for Students with Disabilities Enrolled in Private Schools by Their Parents (Repealed) 12/22/2008
Rule file 6A-6.03315 Private School Scholarship Compliance 9/24/2024
Rule file 6A-6.0333 Surrogate Parents 4/21/2011
Rule file 6A-6.0334 Individual Educational Plans (IEPs) and Educational Plans (EPs) for Transferring Exceptional Students 2/20/2017
Rule file 6A-6.03411 Definitions, ESE Policies and Procedures, and ESE Administrators 12/23/2014
Rule file 6A-6.0361 Contractual Agreements With Nonpublic Schools and Residential Facilities 5/15/2011
Rule file 6A-6.040 Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Director Credential for Private Providers (Transferred) 5/19/2008
Rule file 6A-6.052 Dropout Prevention Programs 7/26/2016
Rule file 6A-6.0521 Dropout Prevention and Academic Intervention Programs. 9/24/2024
Rule file 6A-6.05221 Student Support and Assistance Component (Repealed) 6/23/2016
Rule file 6A-6.0523 Comprehensive Dropout Prevention Plans (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.0524 Educational Alternatives Programs (Repealed) 11/21/2017
Rule file 6A-6.0525 Teenage Parent Programs 2/20/2017
Rule file 6A-6.0526 Substance Abuse Programs (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.0527 Disciplinary Programs (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.0528 Youth Services Programs (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.05281 Educational Programs for Students in Department of Juvenile Justice Detention, Prevention, Residential, or Day Treatment Programs 8/27/2024
Rule file 6A-6.05282 College Reach-Out Program 2/16/2021
Rule file 6A-6.05291 Course Modification (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.05292 Common Objective Criteria and Evaluation of Dropout Prevention Programs (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.053 District Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan 11/18/2024
Rule file 6A-6.0530 Summer Bridge Program 11/18/2024
Rule file 6A-6.0531 Reading Achievement Initiative for Scholastic Excellence (RAISE) 8/27/2024
Rule file 6A-6.0532 New Worlds Reading Initiative 8/16/2022
Rule file 6A-6.0533 Determining a Substantial Deficiency in Early Mathematics Skills and Substantial Deficiency in Mathematics 11/18/2024
Rule file 6A-6.054 K-12 Student Reading Intervention Requirements (Repealed) 10/26/2015
Rule file 6A-6.055 Definitions of Terms Used in Vocational Education and Adult Programs (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.0571 Career and Technical Education and Adult General Education Standards and Industry-Driven Benchmarks 12/24/2024
Rule file 6A-6.0573 Industry Certification Process (Repealed) 9/20/2022
Rule file 6A-6.05731 Industry Certification of Automotive Service Technology Education Programs (Repealed) 12/24/2024
Rule file 6A-6.05732 Reimbursement for Workers’ Compensation Insurance Premiums 5/3/2022
Rule file 6A-6.0574 CAPE Postsecondary Industry Certification Funding List (Repealed) 9/20/2022
Rule file 6A-6.0575 Clock Hour Dual Enrollment for School and District Accountability 12/24/2024
Rule file 6A-6.0576 CAPE Industry Certification Funding List 2/18/2025
Rule file 6A-6.0577 Career Dual Enrollment Courses for Florida Education Finance Program Calculation 7/2/2024
Rule file 6A-6.065 Instructional Components of Vocational Education (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.0651 Alternative Credit Pilot Program (Repealed) 5/18/2014
Rule file 6A-6.0652 Competency-Based Education Pilot Program 3/15/2022
Rule file 6A-6.0713 Habitual Truancy: Inter-Agency Agreements (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.077 Preapprenticeship Programs (Repealed) 11/22/2011
Rule file 6A-6.0781 Procedures for Appealing a District School Board Decision Denying Application for Charter School 11/21/2017
Rule file 6A-6.0782 Florida Schools of Excellence Commission Cosponsor Application (Repealed) 4/8/2012
Rule file 6A-6.0783 District School Board Exclusive Authority to Sponsor Charter Schools (Repealed) 4/8/2012
Rule file 6A-6.0784 Approval of Charter School Governance Training 11/21/2023
Rule file 6A-6.0785 Charter School Applicant Training Standards (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.0786 Forms for Charter School Applicants and Sponsors 8/27/2024
Rule file 6A-6.07861 Model Forms for Charter Technical Career Center Applicants and Sponsors 8/21/2018
Rule file 6A-6.07862 Model Forms for District Innovation Schools of Technology 6/25/2014
Rule file 6A-6.0787 Ballot Process for Teacher and Parent Voting for Charter School Conversion Status. 9/24/2024
Rule file 6A-6.0788 Notice Requirements for Charter School Performance Data (Repealed) 10/17/2017
Rule file 6A-6.0790 Florida College and University Charter School Sponsors 8/16/2022
Rule file 6A-6.0791 Special Magistrate for Unresolved Student Welfare Complaints at Charter Schools 11/21/2023
Rule file 6A-6.0792 Charter School Review Commission 11/29/2023
Rule file 6A-6.083 Missing Florida School Children 3/4/1984
Rule file 6A-6.084 Adult Fees in School Districts (Repealed) 3/24/2011
Rule file 6A-6.0900 Programs for English Language Leaners (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.0901 Definitions Which Apply to Programs for English Language Learners 10/22/2013
Rule file 6A-6.0902 Requirements for Identification, Eligibility, and Programmatic Assessments of English Language Learners 5/30/2017
Rule file 6A-6.09021 Annual English Language Proficiency Assessment for English Language Learners (ELLs) 5/30/2017
Rule file 6A-6.09022 Extension of Services in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program 12/23/2014
Rule file 6A-6.0903 Requirements for Exiting English Language Learners from the English for Speakers of Other Languages Program 2/20/2024
Rule file 6A-6.09031 Post Reclassification of English Language Learners (ELLs) 10/26/2011
Rule file 6A-6.0904 Equal Access to Appropriate Instruction for English Language Learners 5/7/2009
Rule file 6A-6.0905 Requirements for the District English Language Learners Plan 5/30/2017
Rule file 6A-6.0906 Monitoring of Programs for English Language Learners 5/5/2009
Rule file 6A-6.0907 Inservice Requirements for Personnel of Limited English Proficient Students 10/30/1990
Rule file 6A-6.0908 Equal Access for English Language Learners to Programs Other Than English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) 5/5/2009
Rule file 6A-6.0909 Exemptions Provided to English Language Learners 12/23/2014
Rule file 6A-6.09091 Accommodations of the Statewide Assessment Program Instruments and Procedures for English Language Learners 4/25/2023
Rule file 6A-6.0910 School-Age Child Care (Repealed) 8/21/2018
Rule file 6A-6.0950 Notice Requirements for Opportunity Scholarship Program. 10/30/2016
Rule file 6A-6.0951 The Hope Scholarship Program 12/24/2024
Rule file 6A-6.0952 Family Empowerment Scholarship Program 9/24/2024
Rule file 6A-6.0960 Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program 9/24/2024
Rule file 6A-6.0961 Gardiner Scholarship Program (Repealed) 7/1/2022
Rule file 6A-6.0962 New Worlds Scholarship Accounts 12/24/2024
Rule file 6A-6.0963 Facility Requirements in K-12 Private Schools 9/26/2023
Rule file 6A-6.0970 John M. McKay Scholarship for Students with Disabilities Program (Repealed) 7/1/2022
Rule file 6A-6.0980 K-8 Virtual School Program (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 6A-6.0981 Provider Approval and Renewal for Virtual Instruction Program 8/27/2024
Rule file 6A-6.0982 Florida Approved Online Course Providers 8/22/2023