Rule: 67-60.001 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Purpose and Intent
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Division: Departmental
Chapter: Competitive Solicitation Funding Process

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 7/6/2022
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 420.507(12) FS. Law Implemented 420.507(48), 420.5087, 420.5089(2), 420.5099 FS. History–New 8-20-13, Amended 10-8-14, Repromulgated 9-15-16, 7-8-18, Amended 7-6-22.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall: (1) administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or rehabilitation .... 28357870 5/14/2024
Vol. 50/95
View Text Final
Purpose and Intent 25992137 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of this Rule Chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall: (1) Administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or rehabilitation .... 25819574 5/3/2022
Vol. 48/86
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall: (1) administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or rehabilitation .... 25640415 3/8/2022
Vol. 48/46
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall: (1) administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or rehabilitation .... 25524209 2/2/2022
Vol. 48/22
View Text Final
Purpose and Intent 20591953 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of this Rule Chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall: (1) Administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or rehabilitation .... 20383500 5/8/2018
Vol. 44/90
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall: (1) administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or rehabilitation .... 20159042 3/8/2018
Vol. 44/47
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall: (1) administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or rehabilitation .... 20001514 1/29/2018
Vol. 44/19
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall: (1) administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or rehabilitation .... 18531770 1/25/2017
Vol. 43/16
View Text Final
Purpose and Intent 17952971 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of this Rule Chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall: (1) Administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or rehabilitation .... 17698346 6/28/2016
Vol. 42/125
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall: (1) administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or rehabilitation .... 17358458 3/30/2016
Vol. 42/62
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall: (1) administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or rehabilitation .... 17151363 2/15/2016
Vol. 42/30
View Text Final
Purpose and Intent 15091859 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of this Rule Chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall: (1) Administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or rehabilitation .... 14927735 8/12/2014
Vol. 40/156
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall (1) administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or rehabilitation .... 14609090 5/23/2014
Vol. 40/101
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall (1) administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or rehabilitation .... 14328760 3/17/2014
Vol. 40/52
View Text Final
Purpose and Intent 13343434 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of this Rule Chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall: (1) Administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or rehabilitation .... 13152344 6/25/2013
Vol. 39/123
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule chapter is to establish the procedures by which the Corporation shall: (1) Administer the competitive solicitation funding process to make and service mortgage loans for new construction or Rehabilitation/Moderate .... 12961933 5/6/2013
Vol. 39/88