Rule: 68A-13.007 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Hunting Regulations on Public Small-Game Hunting Areas
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Division: Freshwater Fish and Wildlife

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 7/1/2024
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla. Const. Law Implemented Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla. Const. History–New 10-4-82, Formerly 39-13.07, Amended 7-1-89, 7-1-96, Formerly 39-13.007, Amended 4-30-00, 7-1-06, 7-1-08, 7-1-09, 7-1-23, 7-1-24.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Final
Hunting Regulations on Public Small-Game Hunting Areas 28449341 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of the proposed rule amendment is to make a correction resulting from the incompatibility of the term “Muzzleloading gun”, as defined in Florida Administrative Code, with federal firearm definitions. The effect .... 27975593 1/23/2024
Vol. 50/15
View Text Development
The purpose of the proposed rule amendment is to make a correction resulting from the incompatibility of the term “Muzzleloading gun”, as defined in Florida Administrative Code, with federal firearm definitions. The effect .... 27859969 12/14/2023
Vol. 49/241
View Text Final
Hunting Regulations on Public Small-Game Hunting Areas 27210942 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of the proposed rule amendment is to revise hunting regulations regarding methods of take and legal game on Public Small Game Hunting Areas. The effect of the proposed rule amendment will be to remove restrictions .... 26762705 1/30/2023
Vol. 49/19
View Text Development
The purpose of the proposed rule amendment is to revise hunting regulations regarding methods of take and legal game on Public Small Game Hunting Areas. The effect of the proposed rule amendment will be to expand shooting .... 26503424 11/8/2022
Vol. 48/218
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development effort is to establish or revise general regulations related to Public Small-Game Hunting Areas (PSGHAs). 23363243 6/22/2020
Vol. 46/121
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development is to (1) establish definitions for the chapter; (2) establish open seasons for taking game and bag and possession limits; (3) establish hunting regulations for ducks, geese, .... 21301120 12/24/2018
Vol. 44/248
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development is to (1) establish definitions for the chapter; (2) establish open seasons for taking game and bag and possession limits; (3) establish hunting regulations for ducks, geese, .... 19898985 1/5/2018
Vol. 44/04
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development is, during calendar year 2017, (1) establish definitions for the chapter; (2) establish open seasons for taking game and bag and possession limits; (3) establish hunting regulations .... 18351641 12/8/2016
Vol. 42/237
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development is, during calendar year 2016, (1) establish definitions for the chapter; (2) establish open seasons for taking game and bag and possession limits; (3) establish hunting regulations .... 17010616 1/11/2016
Vol. 42/06
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development is, during calendar year 2015, (1) establish definitions for the chapter; (2) establish open seasons for taking game and bag and possession limits; (3) establish hunting regulations .... 15505952 1/8/2015
Vol. 41/05
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development is, during calendar year 2014, (1) establish hunting regulations for ducks, geese, coots, and other migratory birds; (2) provide for adoption of Federal statutes and regulations .... 13997990 1/8/2014
Vol. 40/05
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development is, during calendar year 2013, (1) establish hunting regulations for ducks, geese, coots, and other migratory birds; (2) provide for adoption of Federal statutes and regulations .... 12472665 1/8/2013
Vol. 39/05
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development effort is, during calendar year 2012, to (1) establish open seasons, statewide management zones, bag limits and possession limits for taking game; (2) establish hunting regulations .... 10813868 12/22/2011
Vol. 37/51
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development effort is, during calendar year 2011, to (1) establish open seasons, statewide management zones, bag limits and possession limits for taking game; (2) establish hunting regulations .... 9505435 12/23/2010
Vol. 36/51
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development effort is, during calendar year 2010, to (1) establish open seasons, statewide management zones, bag limits and possession limits for taking game; (2) establish hunting regulations .... 7991168 12/11/2009
Vol. 35/49
View Text Final
Hunting Regulations on Public Small-Game Hunting Areas 6849769 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of the proposed rule amendment is to revise the regulation for Public Small-Game Hunting Areas (PSGHAs) which prohibits motorcycles. The effect of the proposed rule changes will allow licensed and registered .... 6565559 12/31/2008
Vol. 34/53
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development effort is, during calendar year 2009, to (1) establish open seasons, bag limits and possession limits for taking game; (2) establish hunting regulations for ducks, geese, coots, .... 6451778 12/5/2008
Vol. 34/49
View Text Final
Hunting Regulations on Public Small-Game Hunting Areas 5317363 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of the proposed rule amendment is to revise the regulation for Public Small-Game Hunting Areas (PSGHAs) which prohibits the possession of a firearm other than a shotgun and to require a management area permit .... 5031116 1/4/2008
Vol. 34/01
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development effort is, during calendar year 2008, to (1) establish open seasons, bag limits and possession limits for taking game; (2) establish hunting regulations for ducks, geese, coots, .... 4918984 12/7/2007
Vol. 33/49
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development effort is, during calendar year 2007, to (1) establish open seasons, bag limits and possession limits for taking game; (2) establish hunting regulations for ducks, geese, coots, .... 3189862 11/22/2006
Vol. 32/47
View Text Final
Hunting Regulations on Public Small-Game Hunting Areas 2594282 Effective: