FAR Issue Vol. 46/No. 15 Section V  
Issue Date: January 23, 2020
Total number of notices in Section V:    5

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temporary waiver of Rule 11B-35.009, (10), F.A.C., from Christopher J Alexander. Petitioner wishes to temperarily waive that portion of the Rule that states: (10) Individuals, who have qualified for an exemption from a Commission-approved .... 22844875 1/23/2020
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a variance from paragraph 14-10.004(7)(d), F.A.C., which directs that no sign permit shall be issued for a sign to be located outside the boundaries of an incorporated municipality and within 500 feet of an interchange, .... 22846912 1/23/2020
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variance from Matt and Pat Millen. The petition requested a variance to allow for an escrow agreement naming the State of Florida, Department of Financial Services, Division of Treasury (DFS) as the Escrow Agent as a permissible .... 22846718 1/23/2020
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variance or waiver filed by Keith E. Pyne, D.C., regarding the requirement of Rule 64B2-13.004, F.A.C., which requires that for the purpose of renewing or reactivating a license, an applicant must demonstrate to the Board .... 22845651 1/23/2020
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that on January 8, 2020, an Order was filed on the Petition for Variance or Waiver submitted by Kimarely N. Scarf. The Petition for Variance or Waiver was filed on August 06, 2019, seeking a variance or waiver from Rule .... 22845845 1/23/2020
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