FAR Issue Vol. 51/No. 52 Section II  
Issue Date: March 17, 2025
Total number of notices in Section II:    5

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Section Description ID Publish
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The purpose of this rulemaking is to adopt the secondary and postsecondary career education programs prescribed in Sections 1004.92 and 1011.80, Florida Statutes, and listed as follows: “Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources,” .... 29369192 3/17/2025
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This rule outlines the procedures and requirements for certifications and certificates to be included on the CAPE Industry Certification Funding List, which are assigned additional full-time equivalent (FTE) membership funding. .... 29368513 3/17/2025
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The rule establishes the programs and courses that are funded through the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) and available for students to take to earn credit toward high school graduation. The programs and courses .... 29368416 3/17/2025
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This rule amendment updates the cut scores for the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs assessment and informs state requirements for students exiting from the ESOL Program. This is necessary to ensure proficiency criteria for the .... 29364439 3/17/2025
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Annually, school districts submit a District Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan (CERP) to the Department for approval. These plans outline the components of the district’s system of reading instruction. The CERP Reflection .... 29364342 3/17/2025
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