Rule Chapter: 25-6
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 25-6.002 Application and Scope 1/31/2000
Rule file 25-6.003 Definitions 12/4/2003
Rule file 25-6.004 Reference to Commission (Repealed) 11/28/2012
Rule file 25-6.0131 Regulatory Assessment Fees; Investor-owned Electric Companies, Municipal Electric Utilities, Rural Electric Cooperatives 4/1/2024
Rule file 25-6.014 Records and Reports in General 2/2/2015
Rule file 25-6.0141 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction 1/26/2021
Rule file 25-6.0142 Uniform Retirement Units for Electric Utilities 11/8/1999
Rule file 25-6.0143 Use of Accumulated Provision Accounts 228.1, 228.2, and 228.4 6/28/2021
Rule file 25-6.0144 Fair Value of Energy Produced While Testing Electric Generating Units 10/6/1994
Rule file 25-6.015 Location and Preservation of Records 2/2/2015
Rule file 25-6.0151 Audit Access to Records 2/28/1995
Rule file 25-6.016 Maps and Records 7/29/1969
Rule file 25-6.018 Records of Interruptions and Commission Notification of Threats to Bulk Power Supply Integrity or Major Interruptions of Service 4/27/2004
Rule file 25-6.0183 Electric Utility Procedures for Generating Capacity Shortage Emergencies 5/9/2017
Rule file 25-6.0185 Electric Utility Procedures for Long-Term Energy Emergencies 3/24/1999
Rule file 25-6.019 Notification of Events 12/16/2012
Rule file 25-6.020 Record of Applications for Service 7/29/1969
Rule file 25-6.021 Records of Complaints 7/29/1969
Rule file 25-6.022 Record of Metering Devices and Metering Device Tests 7/3/2006
Rule file 25-6.030 Storm Protection Plan 2/18/2020
Rule file 25-6.031 Storm Protection Plan Cost Recovery Clause 2/18/2020
Rule file 25-6.033 Tariffs 12/30/2019
Rule file 25-6.034 Standard of Construction 2/1/2007
Rule file 25-6.0341 Location of the Utility’s Electric Distribution Facilities 2/1/2007
Rule file 25-6.0342 Electric Infrastructure Storm Hardening (Repealed) 6/2/2020
Rule file 25-6.0343 Municipal Electric Utility and Rural Electric Cooperative Reporting Requirements 12/10/2020
Rule file 25-6.0345 Safety Standards for Construction of New Transmission and Distribution Facilities 7/27/2017
Rule file 25-6.0346 Quarterly Reports of Work Orders and Safety Compliance 3/2/2017
Rule file 25-6.035 Adequacy of Resources 5/29/2001
Rule file 25-6.036 Inspection of Plant (Repealed) 12/30/2019
Rule file 25-6.037 Extent of Facilities and Equipment That a Utility Must Inspect, Operate, and Maintain 12/30/2019
Rule file 25-6.038 Change in Character of Service 7/29/1969
Rule file 25-6.039 Safety 7/29/1969
Rule file 25-6.040 Grounding of Primary and Secondary Distribution System Circuits 4/13/1980
Rule file 25-6.042 Response to Commission Staff Inquiries (Repealed) 11/28/2012
Rule file 25-6.0423 Nuclear or Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant Cost Recovery 1/29/2014
Rule file 25-6.0424 Petition for Mid-Course Correction 7/19/2010
Rule file 25-6.0425 Rate Adjustment Applications and Procedures 1/8/1987
Rule file 25-6.0426 Recovery of Economic Development Expenses 8/19/2019
Rule file 25-6.043 Investor-Owned Electric Utility Petition for Rate Increase; Commission Designee 1/27/2021
Rule file 25-6.0431 Petition for a Limited Proceeding 10/8/2013
Rule file 25-6.0435 Interim Rate Relief 2/12/2004
Rule file 25-6.0436 Depreciation 4/28/2016
Rule file 25-6.04361 Subcategorization of Electric Plant for Depreciation Studies and Rate Design 12/12/1991
Rule file 25-6.04364 Electric Utilities Dismantlement Studies 4/28/2016
Rule file 25-6.04365 Nuclear Decommissioning 1/30/2001
Rule file 25-6.0437 Cost of Service Load Research 1/6/2004
Rule file 25-6.0438 Non-Firm Electric Service - Terms and Conditions 1/31/2000
Rule file 25-6.0439 Territorial Agreements and Disputes for Electric Utilities - Definitions 3/4/1990
Rule file 25-6.044 Continuity of Service 8/17/2006
Rule file 25-6.0440 Territorial Agreements for Electric Utilities 8/5/2020
Rule file 25-6.0441 Territorial Disputes for Electric Utilities 8/5/2020
Rule file 25-6.0442 Customer Participation 3/4/1990
Rule file 25-6.0455 Annual Distribution Service Reliability Report 8/17/2006
Rule file 25-6.046 Voltage Standards 2/25/1993
Rule file 25-6.047 Constant Current Standards (Repealed) 10/26/2020
Rule file 25-6.048 Limiting Connected Load 7/29/1969
Rule file 25-6.049 Measuring Customer Service 10/10/2006
Rule file 25-6.050 Location of Meters 2/4/2013
Rule file 25-6.052 Test Procedures and Accuracies of Consumption Metering Devices 7/3/2006
Rule file 25-6.054 Laboratory Standards 10/26/2020
Rule file 25-6.055 Portable Standards 5/19/1997
Rule file 25-6.056 Metering Device Test Plans 7/3/2006
Rule file 25-6.058 Determination of Average Meter Error 10/27/2014
Rule file 25-6.059 Meter Test by Request 7/3/2006
Rule file 25-6.060 Meter Test - Refereed Dispute 12/16/2012
Rule file 25-6.061 Relocation of Poles 7/29/1969
Rule file 25-6.062 Inspection of Wires and Equipment 7/29/1969
Rule file 25-6.064 Extension of Facilities; Contribution in Aid of Construction 12/10/2020
Rule file 25-6.065 Interconnection and Metering of Customer-Owned Renewable Generation 4/7/2008
Rule file 25-6.074 Applicability 10/26/2020
Rule file 25-6.075 Definitions 4/13/1980
Rule file 25-6.076 Rights of Way and Easements 4/10/1971
Rule file 25-6.077 Installation of Underground Distribution Systems Within New Subdivisions 10/29/1997
Rule file 25-6.078 Schedule of Charges 12/10/2020
Rule file 25-6.080 Advances by Applicant 4/10/1971
Rule file 25-6.081 Construction Practices (Repealed) 10/26/2020
Rule file 25-6.082 Records and Reports (Repealed) 10/26/2020
Rule file 25-6.093 Information to Customers 2/1/2016
Rule file 25-6.094 Complaints and Service Requests 12/15/1985
Rule file 25-6.095 Initiation of Service 7/29/1969
Rule file 25-6.097 Customer Deposits 2/1/2016
Rule file 25-6.099 Meter Readings 4/13/1980
Rule file 25-6.100 Customer Billings 2/1/2016
Rule file 25-6.101 Delinquent Bills 2/25/1976
Rule file 25-6.102 Conjunctive Billing 7/29/1969
Rule file 25-6.103 Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error 7/3/2006
Rule file 25-6.104 Unauthorized Use of Energy 10/26/2020
Rule file 25-6.105 Refusal or Discontinuance of Service by Utility 1/7/1993
Rule file 25-6.106 Underbillings and Overbillings of Energy 11/21/1982
Rule file 25-6.109 Refunds 8/18/1983
Rule file 25-6.115 Facility Charges for Conversion of Existing Overhead Investor-owned Distribution Facilities 12/10/2020
Rule file 25-6.135 Annual Reports 3/30/2004
Rule file 25-6.1351 Cost Allocation and Affiliate Transactions 3/30/2004
Rule file 25-6.1352 Earnings Surveillance Report 3/14/1996
Rule file 25-6.1353 Forecasted Earnings Surveillance Report 1/11/1995
Rule file 25-6.140 Test Year Notification; Proposed Agency Action Notification 10/6/1994