Rule: 68B-44.004 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Bag and Vessel Limits Applicable to Florida Waters; Restrictions on Possession of Prohibited Species; Transit Through Florida Waters
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Division: Marine Fisheries

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 2/10/2025
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla. Const. Law Implemented Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla. Const. History–New 4-8-92, Amended 2-14-94, 1-1-98, Formerly 46-44.004, Amended 10-15-07, 1-19-10, 7-1-19, 1-1-20, 3-6-23, 2-10-25.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
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Bag and Vessel Limits Applicable to Florida Waters; Restrictions on Possession of Prohibited Species; Transit Through Florida Waters 29191100 Effective:
View Text Proposed
Oceanic whitetip sharks are large, pelagic sharks found offshore in deeper waters of tropical and subtropical oceans worldwide. This highly migratory species is managed cooperatively by both domestic and international partners. .... 29028916 12/6/2024
Vol. 50/237
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule development notice is to address a possible federal consistency action to add oceanic whitetip shark to Florida’s list of prohibited shark species, thereby prohibiting commercial and recreational .... 28625008 8/8/2024
Vol. 50/155
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Bag and Vessel Limits Applicable to Florida Waters; Restrictions on Possession of Prohibited Species; Transit Through Florida Waters 26920427 Effective:
View Text Proposed
North Atlantic shortfin mako are large, highly migratory sharks with a wide geographic distribution, which makes cooperative and coordinated management by domestic and international agencies necessary for conservation. .... 26621085 12/12/2022
Vol. 48/239
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule development notice is to address a possible federal consistency action to amend the state shortfin mako recreational bag and vessel limit to be consistent with current federal regulations, maintain .... 26565310 11/21/2022
Vol. 48/226
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Bag and Vessel Limits Applicable to Florida Waters; Restrictions on Possession of Prohibited Species; Transit Through Florida Waters 22728669 Effective:
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The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (Commission) is considering changes to state shark regulations based on a requirement by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) and recent federal changes. .... 22317777 8/28/2019
Vol. 45/168
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Bag and Vessel Limits Applicable to Florida Waters; Restrictions on Possession of Prohibited Species; Transit Through Florida Waters 21968868 Effective:
View Text Change
Definitions, Landing in Whole Condition; Transit Through State Waters 21762646 4/19/2019
Vol. 45/77
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The purpose of these rule amendments is to provide further conservation of sharks, address stakeholder concerns related to the shore-based shark fishery, clarify current shark regulations through cleanup of the Sharks and .... 21442837 1/25/2019
Vol. 45/17
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The purpose and effect of this rule development notice is to address possible rule amendments for sharks and rays in the 2019 calendar year as a result of stock assessments, federal regulatory actions or other management .... 21257858 12/14/2018
Vol. 44/242
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The purpose and effect of this rule development notice is to address possible rule amendments for sharks and rays in the 2018 calendar year resulting from stock assessments, federal regulatory actions or other management .... 20078338 2/16/2018
Vol. 44/33
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development notice is to address possible rule amendments for sharks and rays in the 2017 calendar year as a result of stock assessments, federal regulatory actions or other management .... 18449223 1/5/2017
Vol. 43/03
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development notice is to address possible rule amendments for sharks and rays in the 2015 calendar year as a result of stock assessments, federal regulatory actions or other management .... 15510996 1/8/2015
Vol. 41/05
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development notice is to address possible rule amendments for sharks and rays in the 2014 calendar year as a result of stock assessments federal regulatory actions or other management .... 14012928 1/8/2014
Vol. 40/05
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The purpose and effect of this rule development notice is to address possible rule changes for sharks and rays in the 2011 calendar year as a result of stock assessments, federal regulatory actions or other management or .... 9509703 12/23/2010
Vol. 36/51
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Landing in Whole Condition; Transit Through State Waters 8160724 Effective:
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development notice is to address possible rule changes for sharks and rays in the 2010 calendar year as a result of stock assessments, federal regulatory actions or other management or .... 8109605 1/8/2010
Vol. 36/01
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The purpose of these rule amendments is to modify the Commission’s Sharks and Rays Rule to comply with the newly created Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic .... 7893683 11/6/2009
Vol. 35/44
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of this rule development notice is to address possible rule changes for sharks and rays in the 2009 calendar year as a result of stock assessments, federal regulatory actions or other management or .... 6724251 2/6/2009
Vol. 35/05
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Landing in Whole Condition; Transit Through State Waters 4704614 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of these rule amendments is to update references to federal regulations. The effect should be to more accurately give public notice of the extensive requirements imposed by the National Marine Fisheries Service .... 4451541 8/10/2007
Vol. 33/32
View Text Development
The purpose of these rule amendments is to update references to federal regulations. The effect should be to more accurately give public notice of the extensive requirements imposed by the National Marine Fisheries Service .... 4399840 7/27/2007
Vol. 33/30
View Text Final
Practice of Finning Prohibited; Removal of Fins from Sharks Harvested in State Waters Prohibited; Compliance with Federal Requirements; Filleting Prohibited 2624934 Effective: