Rule: 6A-1.09941 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: State Uniform Transfer of Students in Middle Grades and High School
Department: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: State Board of Education

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 8/20/2017
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 1003.25, 1003.4156, 1003.4282 FS. Law Implemented 1003.25, 1003.4156, 1003.4282 FS. History–New 8-28-00, Formerly 6-1.099, Amended 9-22-03, 4-30-12, 3-25-14, 8-20-17.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
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The purpose of this rule amendment is to reflect the updates of sections 1003.4156 and 1003.4282, Florida Statutes (F.S.), during the 2024 Legislative Session. The amendment specifies whether middle and high school students .... 28445461 6/17/2024
Vol. 50/118
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To reflect the updates of sections 1003.4156 and 1003.4282, F.S., during the 2024 Legislative Session. The amendment specifies whether middle and high school students transferring back to public school from a personalized .... 28328285 5/9/2024
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State Uniform Transfer of Students in Middle Grades and High School 19269843 Effective:
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Incorporate the state uniform transfer of students in the middle grades procedures (Rule 6A-1.09942, F.A.C.) into the state uniform transfer of high school credit procedures (Rule 6A-1.09941, F.A.C.) This rule will incorporate .... 19092624 6/19/2017
Vol. 43/118
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To combine the state uniform transfer of students in the middle grades procedures (Rule 6A-1.09942, F.A.C.) with the state uniform transfer of high school credit procedures (Rule 6A-1.09941, F.A.C.) This rule will integrate .... 18855459 4/14/2017
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State Uniform Transfer of High School Credits 14303831 Effective:
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State Uniform Transfer of High School Credits 14179477 2/12/2014
Vol. 40/29
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The purpose of this rule amendment is to reflect changes from the 2013 Florida Legislative Session. Section 1003.4282(8), F.S., was created to include uniform transfer of high school credit requirements beginning with the .... 14077530 1/17/2014
Vol. 40/12
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The purpose and effect of this rule development is to update Rule 6A-1.09941, FAC., to reflect changes from the 2013 Legislative Session. Section 1003.4282(8), Florida Statutes, was created to include uniform transfer of .... 13516094 9/16/2013
Vol. 39/180
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State Uniform Transfer of High School Credits 11410709 Effective:
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The purpose of this rule amendment is be consistent with changes made to Section 1008.22(9)(b), Florida Statutes, by the 2010 Legislature. The amendment specifically requires that when a student transfers into a high school, .... 11116411 2/24/2012
Vol. 38/08
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The purpose and effect of this rule development is to update Rule 6A-1.09941, F.A.C., to reflect changes from the 2010 Legislative Session. Section 1008.22(9)(b), Florida Statutes, was revised to add that if a student transfers .... 9701569 3/4/2011
Vol. 37/09
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State Uniform Transfer of High School Credits 1051691 Effective: