Reference: Ref-03002

Reference Name: Environmental Resource Permit Applicant's Handbook, Volume II (Part VII)
Agency: 40 Water Management Districts
40C St. Johns River Water Management District

Modified Document(s):
11/6/2013 Correct a typo in the title: SYTEMS TO SYSTEMS
2/26/2015 minor spelling errors and punctuation fixes.
Original Document(s):
7/11/2013 Part VII: Environmental Resource Permit Applicant's Handbook Volume II: For Use Within The Geographic Limits of the ...
Description: Part VII: Environmental Resource Permit Applicant's Handbook Volume II: For Use Within The Geographic Limits of the St. Johns River Water Management District

Disclaimer: External links within the reference material are subject to change outside of the rulemaking process.

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By notice published in the Florida Administrative Register on February 12, 2015, the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) initiated rulemaking to amend its rules consistent with Section 373.4131, F.S. These .... 16912064 12/18/2015
Vol. 41/244
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By notice published in the Florida Administrative Register on February 12, 2015, the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) initiated rulemaking to amend its rules consistent with Section 373.4131, F.S. These .... 16813997 11/24/2015
Vol. 41/228
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The St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) gives notice that it is initiating rulemaking to amend the above referenced rules. These rules were last amended on October 1, 2013, to make them consistent with section .... 15659503 2/12/2015
Vol. 41/29
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