Rule: 12D-8.0064 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Assessments; Correcting Errors in Assessments of a Homestead
Department: DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: Property Tax Oversight Program

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 6/14/2022
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 195.027(1) FS. Law Implemented 193.011, 193.023, 193.155, 196.011, 196.161 FS. History–New 12-27-94, Amended 12-28-95, 9-19-17, 6-14-22.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
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The purpose of the draft amendments to Rule 12D-8.0064, F.A.C., is to implement statutory amendments that provide the procedure for calculating liens on portions of homestead property as described in section 193.155(10), .... 28468547 6/20/2024
Vol. 50/121
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Assessments; Correcting Errors in Assessments of a Homestead 25911724 Effective:
View Text Correction
Assessments; Homestead Property Assessments at Just Value, Assessments; Homestead; Limitations, Assessment of Changes, Additions, or Improvements to a Homestead, Assessments; Correcting Errors in Assessments .... 25774275 4/18/2022
Vol. 48/75
View Text Proposed
The proposed repeal of Rules 12D-8.0061 and 12D-8.0063, F.A.C., is necessary to remove rule language that is obsolete or redundant of provisions of section 193.155(3)(a) and (4)(b), F.S. The proposed amendment to Rules .... 25714038 3/30/2022
Vol. 48/62
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The purpose of repealing rule 12D-8.0061, F.A.C., is to remove an unnecessary rule that is redundant of section 193.155(3)(a), F.S. The purpose of amending Rule 12D-8.0062, F.A.C., is to remove reference to Rules 12D-8.0061 .... 25203430 11/1/2021
Vol. 47/212
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SCOTT RUSSELL, in his capacity as PROPERTY APPRAISER of MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA .... vs. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, Respondent ; Case No.: 20-5384RP; Rule No.: 12D-8.0064; Petition 24018866 12/22/2020
Vol. 46/247
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The purpose of amending Rule 12D-8.0064(3)(d), F.A.C., is to update provisions, consistent with current statutes, for calculating unpaid property taxes, penalty, and interest when the homestead exemption and the three .... 23915464 11/23/2020
Vol. 46/228
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Assessments; Correcting Errors in Assessments of a Homestead 19372178 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of amending Rule 12D-8.0064, F.A.C., is to reflect the changes in section 5 of Chapter 2016-128, L.O.F., giving property owners 30 days to pay taxes, penalties, and interest prior to the property appraiser filing .... 19014345 5/24/2017
Vol. 43/101
View Text Development
The purpose of amending Rule 12D-8.0064, F.A.C., to reflect the changes in section 5 of Chapter 2016-128, L.O.F., giving property owners 30 days to pay taxes, penalties, and interest prior to the property appraiser filing .... 18778926 3/27/2017
Vol. 43/59
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Assessments; Correcting Errors in Assessments of a Homestead 1304861 Effective: