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Rule Title: Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Curriculum Approval Process
Department: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: Division of Early Learning
Chapter: Division of Early Learning - Voluntary Prekindergarten Program

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 2/18/2025
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 1001.02(2)(n), 1002.79 FS. Law Implemented 1002.67 FS. History–New 11-22-12, Formerly 6A-1.099825, Amended 8-20-18, 2-18-25.
References in this version: Ref-17510 Florida Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program: Curriculum Approval Specifications for Providers on Probation
Ref-17511 Florida Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program: Policies and Procedures for Curriculum Approval
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Final
Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Curriculum Approval Process 29206038 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The rule revises language that outlines the requirements of the curriculum review and approval process to reflect amended statutory language. Additionally, the rule updates incorporated documents and forms associated with .... 29095361 12/23/2024
Vol. 50/248
View Text Development
The rule amendment updates the requirements, policies, and procedures of the curriculum review and approval process for Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) program providers on probation. Revisions include updates to rule language .... 29021932 11/27/2024
Vol. 50/232
View Text Development
The rule amendment updates the requirements, policies, and procedures of the curriculum review and approval process for Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) program providers on probation. Revisions include updates to rule language .... 28728216 9/9/2024
Vol. 50/176
View Text Development
The proposed rule amendment revises rule language to reflect amended statutory language and remove outdated policies. Additionally, the amendment removes incorporated forms from the rule and replaces them with references .... 28571852 7/29/2024
Vol. 50/147
View Text Final
Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Curriculum Approval Process 20744146 Effective:
View Text Correction
Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Curriculum Approval Process 20532298 6/12/2018
Vol. 44/114
View Text Change
Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Curriculum Approval Process 20532201 6/12/2018
Vol. 44/114
View Text Proposed
The purpose of the rule revision is to adopt the revised criteria and process that the Office of Early Learning will follow to begin a new VPK curriculum approval process that will update the current list of approved curricula .... 20420651 5/15/2018
Vol. 44/95
View Text Development
PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose of the rule revision is to adopt the revised criteria and process that the Office of Early Learning will follow to begin a new VPK curriculum approval process that will update the current .... 20237806 4/2/2018
Vol. 44/64
View Text Final
Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Curriculum Approval Process 13773144 Effective: