Rule: 40D-21.631 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Phase II: Severe Water Shortage
Department: WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: Southwest Florida Water Management District

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 5/19/2014
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 373.044, 373.113 FS. Law Implemented 373.175, 373.185, 373.246 FS. History–New 11-19-84, Amended 7-2-86, 5-30-93, 4-9-06, 7-5-12, 5-19-14.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Variances
that on June 26, 2024, the Southwest Florida Water Management District has denied a petition for variance. Petitioner's Name: Tarponaire Mobile Homeowners Association, Inc. Date Petition Filed: April 15, 2024 Rule No.: .... 28492797 6/27/2024
Vol. 50/126
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a variance or waiver. Petitioner’s Name: Tarponaire Mobile Homeowners Association, Inc. Rule No.: 40D-21.631 Nature of the rule for which variance or waiver is sought: Lawn and landscape irrigation The Petition has been .... 28277457 4/18/2024
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View Text Variances
that on December 22, 2023, the Southwest Florida Water Management District has issued an order granting a variance. Petitioner’s Name: Pinellas County; File Tracking No. 24-4383 Date Petition Filed: December 4, 2023 Rule .... 27906626 12/26/2023
Vol. 49/248
View Text Variances
a variance or waiver. Petitioner’s Name: Pinellas County Rule No.: 40D-21.631 Nature of the rule for which variance or waiver is sought: Phase II water shortage measures The Petition has been assigned tracking No. 24-4383. .... 27840084 12/7/2023
Vol. 49/236
View Text Variances
that on December 1, 2023, the Southwest Florida Water Management District has issued an order granting a variance. Petitioner’s Name: The City of St. Petersburg; File Tracking No. 24-4380 Date Petition Filed: November .... 27829220 12/4/2023
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View Text Variances
a variance or waiver. Petitioner’s Name: The City of St. Petersburg Rule No.: 40D-21.631 Nature of the rule for which variance or waiver is sought: Phase II water shortage measures The Petition has been assigned tracking .... 27788577 11/16/2023
Vol. 49/223
View Text Final
Phase II: Severe Water Shortage 14524603 Effective:
View Text Proposed
To implement revisions related to the statewide effort headed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the five water management districts (WMDs) to increase consistency in the consumptive use permitting .... 13980821 12/26/2013
Vol. 39/248
View Text Workshop
The District proposes develop new rules as well as amend and repeal existing rules as part of a statewide effort headed by the Florida Department ....
  August 22, 2013, 1:30 p.m.
  SWFWMD, Tampa Service Office, Governing Board Meeting Room, ....
13287853 7/24/2013
Vol. 39/143
View Text Workshop
The District proposes develop new rules as well as amend and repeal existing rules as part of a statewide effort headed by the Florida Department ....
  May 22, 2013, 9:00 a.m. in Tampa, FL and May 23, 2013, 1:30 ....
  SWFWMD, Tampa Service Office, Governing Board Meeting Room, ....
12965910 5/6/2013
Vol. 39/88
View Text Development
The Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) gives notice that it is developing rules as part of a statewide effort headed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and joined by all five water .... 11746717 7/20/2012
Vol. 38/29
View Text Final
Phase II: Severe Water Shortage 11782025 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of this rulemaking is to amend the District’s Water Shortage Plan. The effect will be to reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens and achieve other streamlining benefits for the regulated public. Each water management .... 11143668 3/9/2012
Vol. 38/10
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The rulemaking is to update the District’s water shortage plan codified in Chapter 40D-21, F.A.C., based on the experience gained since declaration of the current water shortage by the District in January 2007. 8494404 4/9/2010
Vol. 36/14
View Text Development
The rulemaking is to update the District’s water shortage plan codified in Chapter 40D-21, F.A.C., based on the experience gained since declaration of the current water shortage by the District in January 2007. 7893780 11/6/2009
Vol. 35/44
View Text Final
Phase II: Severe Water Shortage (Repealed) 1708090 Effective:
View Text Change
Monitoring Conditions, Declaring a Water Shortage, Declaring a Water Shortage Emergency, Water Use Restrictions in a Water Shortage Emergency, Phase I: Moderate Water Shortage, Phase II: Severe Water .... 83146 2/3/2006
Vol. 32/05