Rule: 19-8.012 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Procedures to Determine Ineligibility for Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund and to Determine Exemption from Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund due to Limited Exposure
Department: STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: Departmental

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 8/8/2010
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 215.555(3) FS. Law Implemented 215.555(2)(c), (3), (4), (5) FS. History–New 2-17-97, Amended 6-2-02, 5-13-03, 5-19-04, 5-29-05, 5-10-06, 6-8-08, 3-30-09, 3-29-10, 8-8-10.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Development
To discuss proposed amendments to Rule 19-8.012, F.A.C., Procedures to Determine Ineligibility for Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund and to Determine Exemption from Participation in the Florida Hurricane .... 29334563 3/12/2025
Vol. 51/49
View Text Final
Procedures to Determine Ineligibility for Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund and to Determine Exemption from Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund due to Limited .... 8959034 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The State Board of Administration, Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, seeks to amend the rules listed above to implement Section 215.555, Florida Statutes, including the changes made to the law during the 2010 legislative .... 8774637 6/18/2010
Vol. 36/24
View Text Development
To implement the changes to Section 215.555, F.S., which were passed during the 2010 Legislative Session. 8689568 5/28/2010
Vol. 36/21
View Text Final
Procedures to Determine Ineligibility for Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund and to Determine Exemption from Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund due to Limited .... 8435234 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The State Board of Administration, Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, seeks to amend the rules listed above to implement Section 215.555, Florida Statutes, including the changes made to the law during 2009. 8227169 2/5/2010
Vol. 36/05
View Text Development
To discuss proposed amendments to the following rules: Rule 19-8.010, F.A.C., Reimbursement Contract; Rule 19-8.012, F.A.C., Procedures to Determine Ineligibility for Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund .... 8035885 12/24/2009
Vol. 35/51
View Text Final
Procedures to Determine Ineligibility for Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund and to Determine Exemption from Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund due to Limited .... 6942404 Effective:
View Text Correction
Reimbursement Contract, Procedures to Determine Ineligibility for Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund and to Determine Exemption from Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe .... 6871788 3/13/2009
Vol. 35/10
View Text Proposed
The State Board of Administration, Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, seeks to amend the rules listed above to implement Section 215.555, Florida Statutes, including the changes made to the law during 2008. 6737443 2/6/2009
Vol. 35/05
View Text Public Meeting
This is a meeting of the Trustees of the State Board of Administration to provide for permission for the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund ....
  January 27, 2009, 9:00 a.m. (ET) – conclusion of the meeting
  Cabinet Meeting Room, Lower Level, The Capitol, Tallahassee, ....
6638309 1/16/2009
Vol. 35/02
View Text Public Meeting
To review suggestions provided by the public at the rule workshop held on January 9, 2009. The rules addressed at the workshop are as follows: ....
  January 13, 2009
  Room 116 (Hermitage Conference Room), 1801 Hermitage Boulevard, ....
6588354 12/31/2008
Vol. 34/53
View Text Development
To discuss proposed amendments to the following rules: Rule 19-8.010, F.A.C., the annual Reimbursement Contract, Rule 19-8.012, F.A.C., the procedures to determine ineligibility or exemption from participation in the Florida .... 6524916 12/19/2008
Vol. 34/51
View Text Final
Procedures to Determine Ineligibility for Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund and to Determine Exemption from Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund due to Limited .... 5718070 Effective:
View Text Change
Reimbursement Contract, Procedures to Determine Ineligibility for Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund and to Determine Exemption from Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe .... 5545119 4/25/2008
Vol. 34/17
View Text Public Meeting
This is a meeting of the Advisory Council to the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund to obtain approval to file Rules 19-8.010 F.A.C. (Reimbursement ....
  March 26, 2008, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (ET)
  Room 116 (Hermitage Conference Room), 1801 Hermitage Blvd., ....
5368482 3/14/2008
Vol. 34/11
View Text Proposed
The State Board of Administration, Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, seeks to amend the rules listed above to implement Section 215.555, Florida Statutes, including the changes made to the law during 2007. 5237435 2/15/2008
Vol. 34/07
View Text Development
To discuss proposed amendments to the following rules: Rule 19-8.010, F.A.C., the annual Reimbursement Contract, Rule 19-8.012, F.A.C., the procedures to determine ineligibility or exemption from participation in the Florida .... 5054008 12/28/2007
Vol. 33/52
View Text Final
Procedures to Determine Ineligibility for Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund and to Determine Exemption from Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund 1392355 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The State Board of Administration, Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, is proposing to amend the following rules in order to implement Section 215.555, Florida Statutes, regarding the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, .... 140279 2/24/2006
Vol. 32/08