Rule: 69W-700.019 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Submission of Sales Reports
Department: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: Securities

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 10/29/2012
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 517.03(1) FS. Law Implemented 517.081(3) FS. History–New 9-20-82, Formerly 3E-20.18, 3E-700.19, Amended 12-8-87, 7-31-91, Formerly 3E-700.019, Amended 10-29-12.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Proposed
The purpose and effect is to implement Chapter 2024-168, Laws of Florida, to consolidate rules concerning the same subject matter, to remove an inaccurate citation, to use consistent terms, and to update cross-references..... 28543334 7/12/2024
Vol. 50/136
View Text Development
The purpose and effect is to implement Chapter 2024-168, Laws of Florida, to consolidate rules concerning the same subject matter, to remove an inaccurate citation, to use consistent terms, and to update cross-references..... 28472718 6/20/2024
Vol. 50/121
View Text Final
Submission of Sales Reports 12164011 Effective:
View Text Hearing
Submission of Sales Reports 11906282 8/24/2012
Vol. 38/34
View Text Public Meeting
This is the Final Public Hearing on the adoption of proposed amendments to this rule, published on July 6, 2012, Vol. 38, No. 27, Florida Administrative ....
  August 21, 2012, 9:00 a.m., during a regular meeting of the ....
  Cabinet Meeting Room, Lower Level, The Capitol, Tallahassee, ....
11887658 8/17/2012
Vol. 38/33
View Text Proposed
Rule 69W-700.019, F.A.C., is recommended for amendment to change the requirement of mandatory submission of sales reports to only require submission of sales reports upon request by the Office pursuant to Section 517.081(3), .... 11676780 7/6/2012
Vol. 38/27
View Text Development
Rule 69W-700.019, F.A.C., is to be amended to change the requirement of mandatory submission of sales reports to only require submission of sales reports upon request by the Office; and clarify the requirement of notice .... 11513820 5/25/2012
Vol. 38/21
View Text Final
Submission of Sales Reports 2867628 Effective: