Rule: 6A-6.05281 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Educational Programs for Students in Department of Juvenile Justice Detention, Prevention, Residential, or Day Treatment Programs
Department: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: State Board of Education

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 5/3/2022
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 1003.51, 1003.52 FS. Law Implemented 1003.51, 1003.52 FS. History–New 4-16-00, Amended 5-19-08, 12-15-09, 4-1-15, 5-3-22.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Proposed
To incorporate legislative changes from House Bill 1425 (2024) and Senate Bill 7004 (2024), which amended Sections 1003.01, 1003.51 and 1003.52, F.S., and add and remove district and Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) .... 28505698 7/2/2024
Vol. 50/129
View Text Development
The purpose of the rule development is to incorporate legislative changes from House Bill 1425 (2024) and Senate Bill 7004 (2024), which amend Sections 1003.01, 1003.51 and 1003.52, F.S., and add and remove district and .... 28330613 5/13/2024
Vol. 50/94
View Text Final
Educational Programs for Students in Department of Juvenile Justice Detention, Prevention, Residential, or Day Treatment Programs 25778640 Effective:
View Text Change
Educational Programs for Students in Department of Juvenile Justice Detention, Prevention, Residential, or Day Treatment Programs 25628290 3/3/2022
Vol. 48/43
View Text Proposed
To align the rule to Florida Statutes based on revisions made to sections 1003.01, 1003.51 and 1003.52, F.S., in House Bill 723 of the 2021 Legislature. 25582409 2/24/2022
Vol. 48/38
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule development is to incorporate the revisions for educational programs in the Department of Juvenile Justice by amendments to Florida Statutes. Additionally, the revisions update and clarify language, .... 25187037 10/29/2021
Vol. 47/211
View Text Final
Educational Programs for Students in Department of Juvenile Justice Detention, Prevention, Residential, or Day Treatment Programs 15791714 Effective:
View Text Change
Educational Programs for Youth in Department of Juvenile Justice Detention, Commitment, or Day Treatment, Program 15679582 2/17/2015
Vol. 41/32
View Text Correction
Educational Programs for Youth in Department of Juvenile Justice Detention, Commitment, or Day Treatment, Program 15638648 2/6/2015
Vol. 41/25
View Text Proposed
The proposed amendment conforms to statutory changes enacted by the 2014 Florida Legislature. The rule addresses instructional programs and academic expectations, student services, student assessment, and transition services .... 15597229 1/28/2015
Vol. 41/18
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule development is to conform to statutory changes enacted by the 2014 Florida Legislature. The rule addresses instructional programs and academic expectations, student services, student assessment, .... 15490820 1/6/2015
Vol. 41/03
View Text Final
Educational Programs for Youth in Department of Juvenile Justice Detention, Commitment, or Day Treatment, Program 8018037 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of this rule amendment is to revise the rule that addresses educational programs for Youth in Department of Juvenile Justice Detention, Commitment, Day Treatment, or Early Delinquency Intervention Programs. The .... 7755652 10/16/2009
Vol. 35/41
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule development is to revise the rule that addresses educational programs for youth in Department of Juvenile Justice detention, commitment, day treatment, or early delinquency intervention programs. .... 7467271 8/7/2009
Vol. 35/31
View Text Development
The purpose of the rule development is to develop curricular flexibility options without compromising students’ educational needs. The effect will be a rule that addresses curricular flexibility for youth in the Department .... 6995657 4/10/2009
Vol. 35/14
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Educational Programs for Youth in Department of Juvenile Justice Detention, Commitment, Day Treatment, or Early Delinquency Intervention Programs 5616414 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of the amendment is to incorporate revisions required for educational programs in the Department of Juvenile Justice to ensure consistency with current Florida Statutes. 5361789 3/14/2008
Vol. 34/11
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule development is to incorporate the revisions required for educational programs in Department of Juvenile Justice by amendments to Florida Statutes. The effect of these revisions will be consistency .... 5138786 1/25/2008
Vol. 34/04
View Text Final
Educational Programs for Youth in Department of Juvenile Justice Detention, Commitment, Day Treatment, or Early Delinquency Intervention Programs 1065756 Effective: