Rule: 69V-40.176 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Reports of Condition
Department: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: Finance

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 11/30/2015
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 494.0011(2), 494.004, 494.0067 FS. Law Implemented 494.004, 494.0067 FS. History–New 11-30-15.
References in this version: Ref-06113 MCR
Ref-06114 Expanded MCR
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Proposed
The purpose and effect is to amend existing rules to incorporate amended federal forms; incorporate amended Form OFR-MIL-001; remove the duplicative incorporation of Form OFR-MIL-001; incorporate new form OFR-494-15; conform .... 28524322 7/9/2024
Vol. 50/133
View Text Development
The purpose and effect is to amend existing rules to incorporate amended federal forms MU1, MU2, MU3, MU4, and MCR-01, which have been revised since last incorporated by reference in the rule. Additionally, the amendments .... 28456616 6/25/2024
Vol. 50/124
View Text Final
Reports of Condition 16801387 Effective:
View Text Change
Reports of Condition 16436085 10/5/2015
Vol. 41/193
View Text Proposed
The purpose and effect of the new rules are to define common terms used throughout Chapter 494, F.S., and Rule Chapter 69V-40, F.A.C., to implement the renewal and reactivation requirements for mortgage lender branch offices .... 16278072 7/29/2015
Vol. 41/146
View Text Development
The purpose and effect of the amended rules are to define common terms used throughout Chapter 494, FS, and Rule Chapter 69V-40, F.A.C., update form titles, update Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s website link, correct .... 16272349 7/28/2015
Vol. 41/145