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Rule Title: Registration of Issuer Under Section 517.061(11), F.S., as Dealer
Department: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: Securities

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 3/21/2024
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 517.03 FS. Law Implemented 517.061(11), 517.12(1) FS. History–New 9-20-82, Formerly 3E-500.11, Amended 7-31-91, Formerly 3E-500.011, Amended 5-6-15, 11-15-16, 3-21-24.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Proposed
The purpose and effect is to implement Chapter 2024-168, Laws of Florida, to consolidate rules concerning the terms of certain offerings into one rule, for clarity, and to update cross-references. 28542461 7/12/2024
Vol. 50/136
View Text Development
The purpose and effect is to implement Chapter 2024-168, Laws of Florida, to consolidate rules concerning the terms of certain offerings into one rule, for clarity, and to update cross-references. 28472136 6/20/2024
Vol. 50/121
View Text Final
Registration of Issuer Under Section 517.061(11), F.S., as Dealer 28114303 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose and effect is to conform the rules to Chapter 2023-205, Laws of Florida, which amended chapter 517, Florida Statutes, to no longer require the registration of issuers or their associated persons and to clarify .... 27941643 1/12/2024
Vol. 50/09
View Text Development
The purpose and effect is to conform the rules to Chapter 2023-205, Laws of Florida, which amended chapter 517, Florida Statutes, to no longer require the registration of issuers or their associated persons and to clarify .... 27426185 8/11/2023
Vol. 49/156
View Text Final
Registration of Issuer Under Section 517.061(11), F.S., as Dealer 18220982 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The rule is proposed to be amended to delete reference to repealed Rule 69W-600.004(1), F.A.C., and replace it with Rule 69W-600.0013(5)(a), F.A.C. 17839287 8/4/2016
Vol. 42/151
View Text Development
The rule is proposed for amendment to update references to a repealed rule. 17686415 6/24/2016
Vol. 42/123
View Text Final
Registration of Issuer Under Section 517.061(11), F.S., as Dealer 15918008 Effective:
View Text Change
Registration of Issuer Under Section 517.061(11), F.S., as Dealer 15706160 3/5/2015
Vol. 41/44
View Text Proposed
This rule is proposed to be amended to change a cross-reference to current 69W-300.002 to proposed new rule 69W-600.0151, a consolidated financial reporting and net capital rule for dealers and issuer-dealers. 15563473 1/29/2015
Vol. 41/19
View Text Workshop
Proposed amendments to Rules 69W-200.002, 400.002, 500.011, 600.0131, 600.0132, 600.014, and 1000.001; proposed repeal of rules 69W-300.002, ....
  December 18, 2014, 1:30 p.m.
  Room B103, Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, ....
15344253 12/4/2014
Vol. 40/234
View Text Development
This rule is proposed to be amended to change a cross-reference to current rule 69W-300.002 to proposed new rule 69W-600.0151, a consolidated financial reporting and net capital rule for dealers and issuer-dealers. 15276256 11/24/2014
Vol. 40/228
View Text Final
Registration of Issuer Under Section 517.061(11), F.S., as Dealer 2863360 Effective: