Rule: 65C-15.010 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Finances
Department: DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: Family Safety and Preservation Program

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 11/14/2016
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 409.175 FS. Law Implemented 409.175 FS. History–New 12-19-90, Formerly 10M-24.019, Amended 11-14-16.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Development
Amendments add requirements for adoption entities to submit information to the Department quarterly pursuant to Chapter Law 2024-177 and add requirements for Child-Placing Agencies regarding finances. 28739080 9/10/2024
Vol. 50/177
View Text Variances
An order was issued disposing of the petition for variance from Rule 65C-15.010(3), Florida Administrative Code, from 26Health Inc. The notice of variances and waivers was published in Vol. 50, No. 46 of the Florida Administrative .... 28467092 6/19/2024
Vol. 50/120
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variance from Rule 65C-15.010(3), Florida Administrative Code, from 26Health Inc. Rule 65C-15.010(3) requires a child-placing agency to have its financial records audited annually. A report of this audit shall be available .... 28126234 3/6/2024
Vol. 50/46
View Text Variances
The Department received a petition for waiver of Rule 65C-15.010(3), Florida Administrative Code, from Abiding Love Adoption Agency, Inc. The Notice of Variances and Waivers was published on March 12, 2021 in volume 47, .... 24647814 6/15/2021
Vol. 47/115
View Text Variances
waiver of subsection 65C-15.010(3), Florida Administrative Code, from Abiding Love Adoption Agency, Inc., assigned Case No. 21-006WW. Per 65C-15.010(3), the child-placing agency shall have its financial records audited annually. .... 24293861 3/12/2021
Vol. 47/49
View Text Variances
waiver of subsection 65C-15.010(3), Florida Administrative Code, from Angelic Adoptions Inc., assigned Case No. 18-028W. Per 65C-15.010(3), the child-placing agency shall have its financial records audited annually. A report .... 20685558 7/23/2018
Vol. 44/142
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waiver of subsection 65C-15.010(3), Florida Administrative Code, from Hope for Families Adoption and Counseling Services, Inc., assigned Case No. 18-008W. Per 65C-15.010(3), the child-placing agency shall have its financial .... 20123734 3/1/2018
Vol. 44/42
View Text Final
Finances 18217781 Effective:
View Text Change
Application and Licensing Study, On-Site Visits and Complaint Investigation, Finances, Notification of Critical Injury, Illness or Death, Office Equipment and Transportation, Personnel, Placement Services .... 17909903 8/22/2016
Vol. 42/163
View Text Proposed
Rule Chapter 65C-15, F.A.C., was last amended in May 1998. The Department intends to amend Chapter 65C-15 to modify regulatory language to comport with current law, policies and procedures related to child-placing agencies .... 17697958 6/28/2016
Vol. 42/125
View Text Development
Rule Chapter 65C-15, F.A.C., was last amended in May 1998. The Department intends to amend Chapter 65C-15 to modify regulatory language to comport with current law, policies and procedures related to child-placing agencies .... 17410838 4/13/2016
Vol. 42/72
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waiver of rule 65C-15.010(3), Florida Administrative Code, from Adoption & Family Support Center, LLC. Rule 65C-15.010(3), F.A.C., requires a licensed child-placing agency to annually obtain and audit of its financial records. .... 16122193 6/18/2015
Vol. 41/118
View Text Withdrawal
Definitions, Licensed Child-Placing Agencies, Application and Licensing Study, On-Site Visits and Complaint Investigation, Disclosure, Statement of Purpose, Finances, Changes in Agency Function or Purpose, .... 15914807 4/21/2015
Vol. 41/77
View Text Variances
waiver of rule 65C-15.010(3), Florida Administrative Code, from Living Hope Adoption Agency. Rule 65C-15.010(3), F.A.C., requires a licensed child-placing agency to annually obtain an audit of its financial records. 15828380 3/26/2015
Vol. 41/59
View Text Proposed
Chapter 65C-15, F.A.C., Child Placing Agencies, was last amended in May 1998. Section 409.175(5)(a), F.S., requires the Department to adopt and amend licensing rules for child placing agencies. The proposed rules amend .... 15685887 2/18/2015
Vol. 41/33
View Text Development
Chapter 65C-15, F.A.C., was last amended in May 1998. The Department intends to amend Chapter 65C-15 to modify regulatory language to comport with current law, policies and procedures related to child placing agencies that .... 15380628 12/16/2014
Vol. 40/242
View Text Variances
waiver of rule 65C-15.010(3), Florida Administrative Code, from Destiny Adoption Services and Consulting, Inc. Rule 65C-15.010(3), F.A.C., requires a licensed child-placing agency to annually obtain and audit of its financial .... 13906422 12/6/2013
Vol. 39/236
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waiver of rule 65C-15.010(3), Florida Administrative Code,from Heart of Adoptions Alliance, Inc. Rule 65C-15.010(3), F.A.C., requires a licensed child-placing agency to annually obtain an audit of its financial records. 12932348 4/26/2013
Vol. 39/82
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waiver of rule 65C-15.010(3), Florida Administrative Code, from Florida Homestudy LLC. Rule 65C-15.010(3), F.A.C., requires a licensed child-placing agency to annually obtain an audit of its financial records. 12910329 4/24/2013
Vol. 39/80
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waiver of subsection 65C-15.010(3), Florida Administrative Code, from Hope Center for Teens, Inc. Subsection 65C-15.010(3), F.A.C., requires a licensed child-placing agency to annually obtain an audit of its financial records. .... 10907279 1/20/2012
Vol. 38/03
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waiver of subsection 65C-15.010(3), Florida Administrative Code, from Chinese Children Adoption Inc., assigned Case No. 11-008W. Subsection 65C-15.010(3), F.A.C. requires a licensed child-placing agency to annually obtain .... 9786250 4/1/2011
Vol. 37/13
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waiver of subsection 65C-15.010(3), Florida Administrative Code, from Options 4 Adoption, Inc., assigned Case No.: 10-046W. Subsection 65C-15.010(3), F.A.C. requires a licensed child-placing agency to annually obtain an .... 9234611 10/15/2010
Vol. 36/41
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waiver of Rule 65C-15.010, F.A.C., from One Church One Child of Florida, Inc. assigned Case No.: 10-017W. Rule 65C-15.010, F.A.C., states an agency shall have its financial records audited annually. 8431645 3/26/2010
Vol. 36/12
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waiver of subsection 65C-15.010(3), F.A.C., from Axis Adoption & Consulting Services, Inc., assigned Case No.: 09-043W. Subsection 65C-15.010(3), F.A.C. requires a licensed child-placing agency to annually obtain an audit .... 8164410 1/22/2010
Vol. 36/03
View Text Variances
waiver of subsection 65C-15.010(3), Florida Administrative Code, from Cornerstone Adoption Services, Inc. assigned Case No. 09-016W. Subsection 65C-15.010(3), F.A.C., requires a licensed child-placing agency to annually .... 7107498 5/15/2009
Vol. 35/19
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waiver of Rule 65C-15.010(3), F.A.C. The petition was received by Universal Aid for Children, Inc., assigned Case No. 08-018W. Subsection 65C-15.010, F.A.C. states that an agency shall have its financial records audited .... 6035648 8/29/2008
Vol. 34/35
View Text Variances
Waiver of subsection Rule 65C-15.010, F.A.C. The petition was received by ABA Adoption Services, Inc., assigned Case No. 08-017W. Subsection 65C-15.010, F.A.C. states that an agency shall have its financial records audited .... 6014793 8/22/2008
Vol. 34/34
View Text Withdrawal
Definitions, Licensed Child-Placing Agencies, Application and Licensing Study, License Renewal, On-Site Visits and Complaint Investigation, Disclosure, Statement of Purpose, Finances, Changes in Agency .... 5821666 7/3/2008
Vol. 34/27
View Text Variances
Waiver of subsection Rule 65C-15.010,F.A.C. The petition was received by Caring Heart Adoption Services, Inc., assigned Case No. 07-017W. Subsection 65C-15.010, F.A.C. states that an agnecy shall have its financial records .... 5022483 12/28/2007
Vol. 33/52
View Text Change
Definitions, Licensed Child-Placing Agencies, Application and Licensing Study, License Renewal, On-Site Visits and Complaint Investigation, Disclosure, Statement of Purpose, Finances, Changes in Agency .... 4155982 5/18/2007
Vol. 33/20
View Text Proposed
This rule outlines the procedures that the Department and contracted agencies will use in performing licensing of Foster Homes and Child Placing Agencies. 3251651 12/1/2006
Vol. 32/48
View Text Final
Finances 2133047 Effective: