Rule: 62-701.300 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Prohibitions
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Division: Departmental

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 2/15/2015
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 403.704 FS. Law Implemented 403.704, 403.7045(3)(d), 403.707, 403.708, 403.751(1) FS. History–Formerly 10D-12.06, 10D-12.07, 10-1-74, Amended 5-24-79, 5-27-82, 12-10-85, Formerly 17-7.04, 17-7.040, Amended 6-25-90, Formerly 17-701.040, Amended 1-6-93, 1-2-94, 5-19-94, Formerly 17-701.300, Amended 12-23-96, 5-27-01, 1-6-10, 8-12-12, 2-15-15.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
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On March 6, 2025, Suwannee Landfill, LLC withdrew the Petition for a waiver. The Petition was received on September 6, 2024. Notice of receipt of this Petition was published in the Florida Administrative Register on September .... 29356679 3/12/2025
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waiver pursuant to Section 120.542, F.S. from Suwannee Landfill, LLC. The petitioner requested a waiver from Florida Administrative Code paragraph 62.701.300(2)(b), which states that no person shall store or dispose of solid .... 28736267 9/10/2024
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waiver or variance pursuant to Section 120.542, F.S. from Ag Carbon Solutions, LLC. The petitioner requested a waiver or variance from Florida Administrative Code Paragraph 62-701.300(1)(a), which requires that no person .... 27699337 10/25/2023
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waiver or variance pursuant to Section 120.542, F.S. from Ag Carbon Solutions, LLC. The petitioner requested a waiver or variance from Florida Administrative Code Paragraph 62-701.300(1)(a), which requires that no person .... 27699240 10/25/2023
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waiver or variance pursuant to Section 120.542, F.S. from Ag Carbon Solutions, LLC. The petitioner requested a waiver or variance from Florida Administrative Code Paragraph 62-701.300(1)(a), which requires that no person .... 27699046 10/25/2023
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waiver or variance pursuant to Section 120.542, F.S. from Ag Carbon Solutions, LLC. The petitioner requested a waiver or variance from Florida Administrative Code Paragraph 62-701.300(1)(a), which requires that no person .... 27698949 10/25/2023
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waiver or variance pursuant to Section 120.542, F.S. from Ag Carbon Solutions, LLC. The petitioner requested a waiver or variance from Florida Administrative Code Paragraph 62-701.300(1)(a), which requires that no person .... 27698852 10/25/2023
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waiver or variance pursuant to Section 120.542, F.S. from Ag Carbon Solutions, LLC. The petitioner requested a waiver or variance from Florida Administrative Code Paragraph 62-701.300(1)(a), which requires that no person .... 27698755 10/25/2023
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waiver or variance pursuant to Section 120.542, F.S. from Ag Carbon Solutions, LLC. The petitioner requested a waiver or variance from the rule requirements in paragraph 62-701.300(1)(a), F.A.C., which requires that no person .... 27357897 7/24/2023
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waiver or variance pursuant to Section 120.542, F.S. from Ag Carbon Solutions, LLC. The petitioner requested a waiver or variance from the rule requirements in paragraph 62-701.300(2)(d), F.A.C., which requires that no person .... 27359255 7/24/2023
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waiver or variance pursuant to Section 120.542, F.S. from Ag Carbon Solutions, LLC. The petitioner requested a waiver or variance from the rule requirements in paragraph 62-701.300(2)(c), F.A.C., which requires that no person .... 27359061 7/24/2023
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waiver or variance pursuant to Section 120.542, F.S. from Ag Carbon Solutions, LLC. The petitioner requested a waiver or variance from the rule requirements in paragraph 62-701.300(12)(b), F.A.C., which requires that the .... 27358867 7/24/2023
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waiver or variance pursuant to Section 120.542, F.S. from Ag Carbon Solutions, LLC. The petitioner requested a waiver or variance from the rule requirements in paragraph 62-701.300(12)(b), F.A.C., which requires that the .... 27358673 7/24/2023
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waiver or variance pursuant to Section 120.542, F.S. from Ag Carbon Solutions, LLC. The petitioner requested a waiver or variance from the rule requirements in paragraph 62-701.300(1)(a), F.A.C., which requires that no person .... 27358479 7/24/2023
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That it has issued an order on September 10, 2021, granting New River Solid Waste Association’s Petition for a Waiver. The Petition was received on June 14, 2021. Notice of receipt of this Petition was published in the .... 25006811 9/14/2021
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variance pursuant to section 120.542, F.S. from the New River Solid Waste Association. The petitioner is conducting a research project to determine if septage can be reliably introduced into a municipal solid waste landfill .... 24662849 6/18/2021
Vol. 47/118
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The purpose and effect of the proposed rule development is to add two new rules to Chapter 62-701 in order to 1) adopt the federal regulations in 40 CFR Part 257.50 through 257.107, “Standards for the Disposal of Coal Combustion .... 22269277 8/15/2019
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That it has issued an order on March 4, 2019, granting New River Solid Waste Association’s Petition for a Waiver. The New River Solid Waste Association intends to conduct a research project which includes evaluation of .... 21577958 3/6/2019
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of its intent to grant a variance on January 14, 2019, under Section 403.201, F.S., from the provisions of Section 403.717(3)(c), F.S., to the New River Solid Waste Association. The file has been assigned OGC No. 18-1288, .... 21400739 1/17/2019
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waiving a liquid restriction requirement from the New River Solid Waste Association. The petition requested a waiver from paragraph 62-701.300(10)(a), F.A.C., which prohibits placement of noncontainerized liquid waste in .... 21371736 1/11/2019
Vol. 45/08
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That it has issued an order on September 27, 2018, closing the file on Lake Environmental Resources LLC’s Petition for a Waiver. The Petition was received on May 21, 2018. Notice of receipt of this Petition was published .... 21034564 10/18/2018
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waiving a potable water well setback requirement from Lake Environmental Resources, LLC (LER). The petition requested a waiver from paragraph 62-701.300(2)(b), F.A.C., which states that no person shall store or dispose .... 20456929 5/25/2018
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That it has issued an order, OCG No. 17-1074, on December 8, 2017, granting Klean Tires Recycling Inc’s Petition for a Waiver. Klean Tires Recycling, Inc. intends to operate a waste tire processing facility at 10010 Main .... 19842822 12/18/2017
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waiving a potable water well setback requirement from Klean Tires Recycling, Inc., who has submitted an application to the Department to operate a waste tire processing facility. The petition requested a waiver from paragraph .... 19605657 10/25/2017
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That it has issued an order on April 28, 2017 granting Friends Recycling, LLC’s Petition for a Waiver. The Petition was received on January 25, 2017. Notice of receipt of this Petition was published in the Florida Administrative .... 18915308 5/2/2017
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waiving a potable water well setback requirement from Friends Recycling, LLC. The petition requested a waiver from Rule 62-701.300(2)(b), F.A.C., which states that no person shall store or dispose of solid waste within .... 18549812 2/1/2017
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17925423 8/25/2016
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View Text Final
Prohibitions 15689864 Effective:
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Prohibitions 15676478 Effective:
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Prohibitions, Solid Waste Management Facility Permit Requirements, General, Water Quality Monitoring Requirements 15323689 11/26/2014
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The Department is proposing to amend Chapter 62-701, F.A.C., which contains regulations for a wide variety of solid waste facilities including landfills, construction and demolition (C&D) debris disposal facilities, and .... 15103693 10/1/2014
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The Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration will bring before the ERC an amendment to Rule 62-302.800, F.A.C., for adoption. The ....
  August 21, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.
  Conference Room A, Douglas Building, 3900 Commonwealth Blvd., ....
14890099 8/6/2014
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: This is a rule development workshop to discuss proposed Phase II changes to Chapter 62-701, Solid Waste Management Facilities. The workshop ....
  March 14, 2014, beginning at 9:00 a.m.
  DEP, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Room 609, Tallahassee, Florida
14236610 2/27/2014
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This is a rule development workshop to discuss proposed Phase II changes to Chapter 62-701, Solid Waste Management Facilities. The workshop ....
  November 8, 2013, beginning at 9:00 a.m.
  2600 Blair Stone Road, Room 609, Tallahassee, Florida
13712616 10/22/2013
Vol. 39/206
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Subsection 403.707(9), F.S., requires that all construction and demolition debris landfills be constructed with liners and leachate control systems. This same subsection also requires that all construction and demolition .... 11689681 8/17/2012
Vol. 38/33
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Prohibitions 11850119 Effective:
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The Department is proposing to amend Chapter 62-701, F.A.C., which contains regulations for a wide variety of solid waste facilities including landfills, construction and demolition debris disposal facilities and waste processing .... 10916494 1/20/2012
Vol. 38/03
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Chapter 2010-205, Laws of Florida, includes a new requirement that all construction and demolition debris landfills be constructed with liners and leachate control systems. Chapter 2010-143, Laws of Florida, includes a new .... 8953311 8/13/2010
Vol. 36/32
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Prohibitions 8121827 Effective:
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Documents Incorporated by Reference, Prohibitions, Approval of Alternate Procedures and Requirements, Permit Fees for Solid Waste Management Facilities, Solid Waste Management Facility Permit Requirements, .... 7858957 10/30/2009
Vol. 35/43
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The Department is proposing to amend Chapter 62-701, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), which contains regulations for a wide variety of solid waste facilities including landfills, construction and demolition (C&D) debris .... 7595893 9/18/2009
Vol. 35/37
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This is a rulemaking workshop to discuss proposed amendments to Chapter 62-701, the Solid Waste Management Facilities rule. A draft of proposed ....
  August 22, 2007, 9:00 am until 4:00 pm.
  Department of Environmental Protection, 3900 Commonwealth Blvd., ....
4417203 8/3/2007
Vol. 33/31
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Prohibitions 2297268 Effective: