Rule: 68D-23.109 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Additional Specifications for Information, Danger, and Regulatory Markers
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Division: Vessel Registration and Boating Safety

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 7/16/2024
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 327.04, 327.40, 327.41 FS. Law Implemented 327.40, 327.41 FS. History–New 12-23-01, Amended 10-5-06, 10-6-10, 7-16-24.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Final
Additional Specifications for Information, Danger, and Regulatory Markers 28495028 Effective:
View Text Change
Definitions, Permits Required; Application for Permits, Marker Placement Requirements, Additional Specifications for Information, Danger, and Regulatory Markers 28379695 5/22/2024
Vol. 50/101
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendments seek to clarify design and construction of waterway markers and provide uniformity in design, construction and coloring for better aid vessel operators in marker identification. The rules are .... 28258445 4/12/2024
Vol. 50/73
View Text Development
The proposed rule amendments seek to clarify design and construction of waterway markers and provide uniformity in design, construction and coloring for better aid vessel operators in marker identification. The rules are .... 28252431 4/11/2024
Vol. 50/72
View Text Variances
On April 6, 2023, the Commission issued an order. The Final Order was in response to a Petition for a variance from Rule 68D-23.109(3), Florida Administrative Code, which requires that the size of signs used as information, .... 27036245 4/11/2023
Vol. 49/70
View Text Variances
a variance from Rule 68D-23.109(3), Florida Administrative Code, the Additional Specifications for Informational, Danger, and Regulatory Markers, which requires that the size of signs used as information, danger, or regulatory .... 26797140 2/6/2023
Vol. 49/24
View Text Variances
On June 30, 2022, the Commission issued a Final Order in Case No. WV 22-02 granting an unopposed Petition for Variance from Rule 68D-23.109, Florida Administrative Code filed by Southern States Land &Timber, LLC. The variance .... 26034720 7/6/2022
Vol. 48/130
View Text Variances
a variance from the Additional Specifications for Information, Danger, and Regulatory Markers rule (subsection 68D-23.109 (3), Florida Administrative Code), which requires that the size of signs used as information, danger, .... 25876707 5/19/2022
Vol. 48/98
View Text Variances
On January 12, 2021, the Commission issued a Final Order in Case No. WV 21-01 granting an unopposed Petition for Variance from Rule 68D-23.109, Florida Administrative Code filed by the Pinellas County Parks and Conservation .... 24101510 1/15/2021
Vol. 47/10
View Text Variances
On December 22, 2020, the Commission issued a Final Order in Case No. WV 20-01 granting an unopposed Petition for Variance from Rule 68D-23.109, Florida Administrative Code filed by the Lake County, Florida, Office of Parks .... 24053010 1/5/2021
Vol. 47/02
View Text Variances
for a variance from the Additional Specifications for Information, Danger, and Regulatory Markers rule (subsection 68D-23.109 (3), Florida Administrative Code), which requires that the size of signs used as information, .... 23904212 11/19/2020
Vol. 46/226
View Text Variances
a variance from the Additional Specifications for Information, Danger, and Regulatory Markers rule (subsection 68D-23.109 (3), Florida Administrative Code), which requires that the size of signs used as information, danger, .... 23886558 11/16/2020
Vol. 46/223
View Text Variances
it issued a Final Order granting the Pinellas County Parks and Conservation Resources Department a permanent variance from the requirement in rule 68D-23.109 (3), Florida Administrative Code, that the size of signs used .... 21572623 3/5/2019
Vol. 45/44
View Text Variances
Has issued an Order (Case No. WV 11-01). The Order grants the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s Office of Recreation Services (Petitioner) a permanent variance from a portion of the Additional Specifications .... 10496387 10/14/2011
Vol. 37/41
View Text Variances
a variance from the Additional Specifications for Information, Danger, and Regulatory Markers rule (subsection 68D-23.109(3), Florida Administrative Code), which requires the size of a sign used for information, danger, .... 10215669 7/29/2011
Vol. 37/30
View Text Final
Additional Specifications for Information, Danger, and Regulatory Markers 9191931 Effective:
View Text Change
Definitions, Placement of Markers, Additional Specifications for Information and Regulatory Markers 9029068 8/20/2010
Vol. 36/33
View Text Proposed
The purpose of the rule amendments is to implement waterway management changes resulting from the passage of Chapter 2009-86 (CS/CS/HB/1423), Laws of Florida, which modified Sections 327.40, 327.41, and 327.46, Florida Statutes, .... 8659013 5/28/2010
Vol. 36/21
View Text Public Meeting
Public input on proposed amendments to this rule. The rule amendments provide consistency with the proposed adoption of Chapter 68D-23, F.A.C. ....
  Monday, May 17, 2010, 5:15 p.m.
  Bryant Building, Room 272, 620 S. Meridian Street, Tallahassee, ....
8608088 5/7/2010
Vol. 36/18
View Text Workshop
This rule development workshop is being held in response to a written request. The workshop will involve the development of amendments to Chapter ....
  January 26, 2010, 4:00 p.m.
  Bryant Building, Room 272, 620 S. Meridian Street, Tallahassee, ....
8052763 12/24/2009
Vol. 35/51
View Text Development
The purposes for the changes to rules within this chapter are to: (1) correct and update statutory cross-references that have been changed since the current rule was amended in 2006; (2) improve clarity and consistency of .... 7904353 11/13/2009
Vol. 35/45
View Text Final
Additional Specifications for Information, Danger, and Regulatory Markers 3024865 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The proposed changes to rules within this chapter are to: (1) correct and update statutory cross-references that have been changed since the current rule was promulgated in 2001; (2) improve clarity and consistency of language .... 310320 5/5/2006
Vol. 32/18