Rule: 6A-6.053 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: District Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan
Department: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: State Board of Education

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 2/20/2024
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 1001.02(1), (2)(n), 1003.4201, 1008.25(11) FS. Law Implemented 1001.215, 1003.4201, 1008.25 FS. History–New 6-19-08, Amended 4-21-11, 2-17-15, 12-22-19, 2-16-21, 3-15-22, 2-21-23, 2-20-24.
References in this version: Ref-12691 20 U.S.C. § 7801(21)(A)(i)
Ref-12692 34 C.F.R. § 200.2(b)(2)(ii)
Ref-15159 District CERP Reflection Tool, Form No. CERP-RT
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Development
The Department is revising requirements of the District Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan based on provisions included in Senate Bill 7004. Revised requirements include: The criteria for identification and requirements .... 28530142 7/15/2024
Vol. 50/137
View Text Final
District Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan 28016236 Effective:
View Text Proposed
To revise the District K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan Rule to conform to recent statutory changes and to re-order existing components to improve clarity. The effect will be that districts must annually submit .... 27864819 12/19/2023
Vol. 49/244
View Text Development
The Department is revising requirements of the District K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan based on changes included in House Bills 7039 and 5101. Revised requirements include: additional screening, required .... 27744248 11/6/2023
Vol. 49/216
View Text Development
The Department is revising requirements of the District K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan based on changes included in House Bills 7039 and 5101. Revised requirements include: additional screening, required .... 27483415 8/29/2023
Vol. 49/168
View Text Final
District Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan 26808877 Effective:
View Text Proposed
To revise the District K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan (CERP) Rule to include new language delineated in Senate Bill (SB) 2524. The effect of this rule amendment allows flexibility to districts in regards .... 26624383 12/14/2022
Vol. 48/241
View Text Development
To revise the District K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan (CERP) Rule to include new language delineated in SB 2524. This language: Removes the specific requirement for the 300 lowest-performing schools to use .... 26453954 10/21/2022
Vol. 48/206
View Text Final
District K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan 25614419 Effective:
View Text Proposed
To revise the District K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan Rule to include new language established in HB 7011, including districts conducting a root-cause analysis of student performance data to identify intensive .... 25382007 1/4/2022
Vol. 48/02
View Text Development
To revise the District K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan Rule to include new language established in HB 7011, including districts conducting a root-cause analysis of student performance data to identify intensive .... 25195864 10/29/2021
Vol. 47/211
View Text Final
District K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan 24163784 Effective:
View Text Proposed
To provide criteria to define the term “substantial deficiency in reading.” The effect will be to standardize the definition throughout the state and reduce confusion and disparities as to which students are receiving appropriate .... 23957659 12/10/2020
Vol. 46/239
View Text Development
To define the term “substantial deficiency in reading” including criteria for approval of screening and progress monitoring assessments used for a substantial deficiency in reading identification. The effect will be to standardize .... 23694207 9/28/2020
Vol. 46/189
View Text Final
K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan 22690936 Effective:
View Text Proposed
To align the requirements of the K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan with current Florida Statutes. The effect will be to streamline the plan for districts and to put a greater emphasis on identifying students with a substantial .... 22505278 10/18/2019
Vol. 45/204
View Text Development
To align the requirements of the K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan with current Florida Statutes. The effect will be to streamline the plan for districts and to put a greater emphasis on identifying students with a substantial .... 22421276 9/26/2019
Vol. 45/188
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule development is to align the rule to current Florida Statutes, based on revisions made to student content standards under section 1003.41, F.S.; required interventions for students with reading deficiencies .... 17402593 4/12/2016
Vol. 42/71
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule development is to align the rule with section 1011.62, F.S. and House Bill 7069.The K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan rule provides districts and schools with specific requirements and .... 16667042 10/23/2015
Vol. 41/207
View Text Final
K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan 15620606 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of this rule amendment is to eliminate any unnecessary language as it pertains to the end of year outcome assessment and to better align the rule with Sections 1001.215 and 1011.62, Florida Statutes. 15410892 12/18/2014
Vol. 40/244
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule development is to eliminate any unnecessary language as it pertains to the end of year outcome assessment and to better align the rule with Sections 1001.215 and 1011.62, Florida Statutes. 14470283 4/21/2014
Vol. 40/77
View Text Final
K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan 9822043 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of this proposed amendment is to update language, provide clarity regarding fidelity of program implementation, include the new Next Generation Content Area Professional Development (NGCAR-PD) package to align .... 9670820 2/18/2011
Vol. 37/07
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule development is to update language, provide clarity regarding fidelity of program implementation, include the new Next Generation Content Area Professional Development (NGCAR-PD) package to align .... 9625424 2/4/2011
Vol. 37/05
View Text Final
K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan 5733299 Effective:
View Text Change
K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan Implementation 5557826 5/2/2008
Vol. 34/18
View Text Proposed
The purpose of the proposed rule is to provide criteria for the development and implementation of district plans for use of the research-based reading instruction allocation provided in Section 1011.62(9), Florida Statutes. .... 5362662 3/14/2008
Vol. 34/11
View Text Development
The purpose of the rule is to provide criteria for the development and implementation of district plans for use of the research-based reading instruction allocation provided in Section 1011.62(9), F.S. The effect of the .... 5138980 1/25/2008
Vol. 34/04