Rule: 64B3-5.003 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Technologist
Department: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 12/6/2021
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 483.805(4), 483.811(2), 483.823 FS. Law Implemented 381.0034(3), 483.809, 483.811(2), 483.823 FS. History–New 12-6-94, Amended 7-12-95, 9-10-95, 12-4-95, Formerly 59O-5.003, Amended 5-26-98, 1-11-99, 7-5-01, 3-24-02, 10-29-02, 8-16-04, 5-15-05, 12-19-05, 5-25-06, 7-9-07, 2-7-08, 6-17-09, 1-30-12, 2-7-13, 10-3-13, 4-5-15, 6-16-15, 10-17-17, 4-18-18, 7-9-18, 4-3-19, 5-25-20, 2-16-21, 5-26-21, 12-6-21.
References in this version: Ref-08712 42 CFR 493.1489
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on December 28, 2023, by Brooks Nelson. Petitioner was seeking a waiver or variance from Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), F.A.C., regarding .... 28556623 7/17/2024
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of the issuance of an Order Denying the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on April 23, 2024, by Laura Robinson. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 50, No. 83, of the April 26, 2024, .... 28556526 7/17/2024
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of the issuance of an Order Denying the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on February 6, 2024, by Ebony Coats. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 50, No. 43, of the March 1, 2024, Florida .... 28556429 7/17/2024
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variance or waiver filed by Marjorie Jeangilles. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience, and examination requirements for licensure as .... 28528202 7/9/2024
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variance or waiver filed by Laura Robinson. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience, and examination requirements for licensure as a medical .... 28297924 4/26/2024
Vol. 50/83
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variance or waiver filed by Ebony Coates. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver regarding subsection of Rule 64B3-5.003(2), F.A.C., which states that all applicants for a Technologist license must satisfy the requirements .... 28110617 3/1/2024
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variance or waiver filed by Brooks Nelson in c/o Melissa Morris, Esq. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience, and certification requirements .... 27965214 1/18/2024
Vol. 50/12
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that the Petition filed by Nidhi Kapoor, on April 24, 2023, seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., has been withdrawn. The Notice of Petition was published in Vol. 49 No. 83 of the April 28, 2023, issue .... 27257987 6/23/2023
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variance or waiver filed by Nidhi Kapoor. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience, and examination requirements for licensure as a medical .... 27076209 4/28/2023
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variance or waiver filed by Leah Marshall. Although a rule is not cited, it appears that the petitioner is requesting a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience .... 26988327 3/27/2023
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of the issuance of an Order Denying the Petition for Variance or Waiver, initially published on December 5, 2022 in Vol. 47, No. 234, by Mohamed Ghonaim. The Petitioner filed an amended petition on December 14, 2022. The .... 26874449 2/28/2023
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of the issuance of an Order Denying the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on October 11, 2022, by Crystal Loska. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 48, No. 215, of the November 3, 2022, .... 26771629 1/30/2023
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of the issuance of an Order Denying the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on October 31, 2022, by Zakalah Wyatt. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 48, No. 215, of the November 3, 2022, .... 26771532 1/30/2023
Vol. 49/19
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variance or waiver filed by Mohamed Ghonaim. Petitioner’s initial petition for variance or waiver was published on December 5, 2022, volume 48/234 of the F.A.R. Petitioner is requesting a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, .... 26636799 12/16/2022
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of the issuance of an Order Denying the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on July 12, 2022, by Sami Jezzini. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 48, No. 156, of the August 11, 2022, .... 26601006 12/5/2022
Vol. 48/234
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variance and waiver submitted by Zakalah Wyatt. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience, and examination requirements for licensure as a .... 26493336 11/3/2022
Vol. 48/215
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variance and waiver submitted by Sami Jezzini. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for a licensure as a .... 26167998 8/11/2022
Vol. 48/156
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of the issuance of an Order Denying the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on August 19, 2019, by Martha Fahim. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 45, No. 172, of the September 4, 2019, .... 25563979 2/14/2022
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on February 11, 2020, by Edith Achale. Petitioner was seeking a waiver or variance from Rules 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., regarding continuing .... 25339812 12/8/2021
Vol. 47/236
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of the issuance of an Order Denying the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on November 27, 2019, by Minal Patel. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 45, No. 242, of the December 16, 2019, .... 25339618 12/8/2021
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on February 11, 2020, by Elizabeth Arbolay. Petitioner was seeking a waiver or variance from Rules 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., regarding .... 25339133 12/8/2021
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of the issuance of an Order Denying the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on January 27, 2020, by Mona Wagih Eskandar Hanna. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 46, No. 25, of the February .... 25338745 12/8/2021
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of the issuance of an Order Denying the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on February 3, 2020, by Justine Butler. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 46, No. 27, of the February 10, .... 25338648 12/8/2021
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of the issuance of an Order Denying the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on October 7, 2019, by Willie Smith. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 45, No. 199, of the October 11, 2019, .... 25338551 12/8/2021
Vol. 47/236
View Text Final
Technologist 25292767 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The Board proposes the rule amendment to update the requirements for technologist qualifications. 25103423 10/5/2021
Vol. 47/193
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variance or waiver filed by Judeen Harris. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, Florida Administrative Code, with regards to the education, option, training/experience, and certification requirements .... 25103520 10/5/2021
Vol. 47/193
View Text Development
The Board proposes the rule amendment to update the requirements for technologist qualifications. 25086545 10/1/2021
Vol. 47/191
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that on June 26, 2019, an Order was filed on the Petition for Variance or Waiver. The Petition for Variance or Waiver was filed by Sreekumar Harilal, on May 2, 2019, seeking a waiver or variance from Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), .... 24760237 7/15/2021
Vol. 47/136
View Text Final
Technologist 24517155 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendments are intended to update the language regarding supervisor, technologist, and director for Clinical Laboratory Personnel. 24281736 3/9/2021
Vol. 47/46
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The proposed rule amendments are intended to update the language regarding supervisor, technologist, and director for Clinical Laboratory Personnel. 24231296 2/22/2021
Vol. 47/35
View Text Final
Technologist 24165627 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of the rule amendment is to update the language for a technologist. 23948638 12/2/2020
Vol. 46/233
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The purpose of the rule amendment is to update the language for a technologist 23761525 10/14/2020
Vol. 46/201
View Text Final
Technologist 23228704 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of the rule amendment is to update the language for a technologist. 23013170 3/11/2020
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variance and waiver submitted by Edith Achale. Petitioner is seeking a permanent variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for a licensure .... 22984167 3/3/2020
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variance and waiver submitted by Elizabeth Arbolay. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for a licensure .... 22984070 3/3/2020
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variance and waiver submitted by Justine Butler. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for a licensure as .... 22906373 2/10/2020
Vol. 46/27
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variance and waiver submitted by Mona Wagih Eskandar Hanna. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for a licensure .... 22899389 2/6/2020
Vol. 46/25
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that on January 8, 2020, an Order was filed on the Petition for Variance or Waiver submitted by Kimarely N. Scarf. The Petition for Variance or Waiver was filed on August 06, 2019, seeking a variance or waiver from Rule .... 22845845 1/23/2020
Vol. 46/15
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variance and waiver submitted by Minal Patel. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for a licensure as a medical .... 22713925 12/16/2019
Vol. 45/242
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on August 9, 2019, by Tatiana Perera. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 45, No. 165, of the August 23, 2019, .... 22571432 11/5/2019
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on July 19, 2019, by Louis K. Jean. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 45, No. 144, of the July 25, 2019, .... 22571141 11/5/2019
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variance and waiver submitted by Willie J. Smith. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for a licensure as .... 22476566 10/11/2019
Vol. 45/199
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variance and waiver submitted by Martha M Fahim. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements .... 22337468 9/4/2019
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that on July 24, 2019, an Order was filed on the Petition for Variance and Waiver. The Petition for Variance or Waiver was filed by Maged Mikhail, on April 22, 2019, seeking a waiver or variance from Rule 64B3-5.003, .... 22298668 8/23/2019
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variance and waiver submitted by Tatiana Perera. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(1), Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements .... 22298377 8/23/2019
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variance and waiver submitted by Kimarley N. Scarf. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 22262681 8/14/2019
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variance and waiver submitted by Louis K. Jean, MT (AMT), BSHS. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rules 64B3-5.002 and 64B3-5.003, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience .... 22178194 7/25/2019
Vol. 45/144
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to conduct a comprehensive review and to determine if there are any needed updates, changes, or corrections. 22023285 6/21/2019
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variance or waiver submitted by Sreekumar Harilal. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience and certification requirements for licensure .... 21817936 5/6/2019
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variance and waiver submitted by Maged Mikhail. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for a specialty licensure .... 21789612 4/29/2019
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that on April 2, 2019, an Order was filed on the Petition for Variance or Waiver. The Petition for Variance or Waiver was filed by Robert Harlan, on February 15, 2019, seeking a waiver or variance from Rule 64B3-5.003, .... 21717153 4/10/2019
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: that on April 2, 2019, Orders were filed on the Petition for Variance or Waiver submitted by Ashley Nicole Barnett; Juan Camillo Corrales; Katherine Dovydaitis; Martin Gordillo; Allison LaGreca; and Emily Ann Tyson. The .... 21717056 4/10/2019
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View Text Final
Technologist 21630047 Effective:
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variance and waiver submitted by Robert Harlan. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a) Option 1, F.A.C., which sets forth the requirements for clinical laboratory training program, or 3 years .... 21538091 2/20/2019
Vol. 45/35
View Text Proposed
The Board propose the rule amendment to update the language regarding training and experience. 21452634 1/29/2019
Vol. 45/19
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variance and waiver submitted by Ashley Nicole Barnett; Juan Camillo Corrales; Katherine Dovydaitis; Martin Gordillo; Allison LaGreca; and Emily Ann Tyson. Petitioners are seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, .... 21441964 1/25/2019
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an Order was filed on the Petition for Variance and Waiver submitted by Nulvis Machado. The Petition for Variance and Waiver was filed on September 27, 2018, seeking a variance and waiver from Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., .... 21414319 1/18/2019
Vol. 45/13
View Text Development
The Board proposes the rule amendment to update the educational training/experience requirements for Technologist. 21378041 1/14/2019
Vol. 45/09
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that on October 23, 2018, an Order was filed on the Petition for Variance or Waiver submitted by Essam Mankarios. The Petition for Variance or Waiver was filed on August 23, 2018, seeking a variance or waiver from Rule .... 21138354 11/8/2018
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for variance or waiver filed by Nulvis Lucia Machado. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for a specialty .... 21090145 10/29/2018
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variance or waiver filed by Essam Mankarios. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for .... 20832319 8/27/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on September 5, 2017, by Pamela Dunay-Volk. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 43, Number 174, .... 20789445 8/16/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on July 13, 2017, by Hector Soto. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 43, Number 137, of the July .... 20789348 8/16/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on June 16, 2017, by Sonia Velasquez. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 43, Number 119, of the .... 20789251 8/16/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on June 12, 2017, by Luis Amaya. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 43, Number 115, of the June .... 20789154 8/16/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on May 4, 2018, by Bassam Abomoelak. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 44, Number 89, of the .... 20788863 8/16/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on September 30, 2009, by Ivan Marc E. De Los Reyes. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 35, Number .... 20699041 7/26/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on July 7, 2009, by Vaneska Mayor. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 35, Number 29, of the July .... 20698944 7/26/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on October 26, 2010, by Victoria S. Curtis. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 36, Number 51, .... 20698750 7/26/2018
Vol. 44/145
View Text Final
Technologist 20586521 Effective:
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on July 7, 2009, by Behrang Mahjoub. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 35, Number 29, of the .... 20637252 7/9/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on March 22, 2016, by Bassam Abomoelak. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 42, Number 58, of the .... 20428023 5/16/2018
Vol. 44/96
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The Board proposed the rule amendment to update licensing exam and experience/training requirements. 20386119 5/8/2018
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variance or waiver filed by Bassam Abomoelak. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 20377195 5/7/2018
Vol. 44/89
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on March 6, 2018, by Michael James Anauo. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 44, Number 47, of .... 20320547 4/20/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on March 12, 2018, by Hen Anny Levy. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 44, Number 51, of the .... 20320450 4/20/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on March 8, 2018, by Nudratun Nisa Jawaid. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 44, Number 48, of .... 20320353 4/20/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on March 6, 2018, by Emily Graham. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 44, Number 47, of the March .... 20320256 4/20/2018
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Technologist 20249252 Effective:
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variance or waiver filed by Carmen Muniz. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements .... 20233344 3/29/2018
Vol. 44/62
View Text Development
The Board proposes the rule amendment to update licensing exam and experience/training requirements. 20223741 3/27/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on July 7, 2009, by Theordore Zagurski. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 35, Number 29, of the .... 20203856 3/21/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on July 7, 2009, by Kyung Mee Kim. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 35, Number 29, of the July .... 20203759 3/21/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on July 7, 2009, by Charles A. Peloquin. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 35, Number 29, of .... 20203662 3/21/2018
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variance or waiver filed by Hen Levy. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for .... 20178927 3/14/2018
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variance or waiver filed by Nudratun Nisa Jawaid. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 20162631 3/9/2018
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variance or waiver filed by Michael James Anauo. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 20155938 3/8/2018
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variance or waiver filed by Emily Graham. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements .... 20155841 3/8/2018
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on December 20, 2017, by Diane Yerger. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 43, Number 246, of the .... 20150506 3/8/2018
Vol. 44/47
View Text Proposed
For Rule 64B3-5.0011, F.A.C., the Board proposes the rule amendment to add the definition of the acronym “SMB.” For Rules 64B3-5.002 and 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., the Board proposed the rule amendments to update licensing exam .... 20079696 2/16/2018
Vol. 44/33
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variance or waiver filed by Diane Yerger. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(b), Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements .... 19877257 12/22/2017
Vol. 43/246
View Text Development
The Board proposes the rule amendments to update licensing exam and experience/training requirements. 19854656 12/18/2017
Vol. 43/242
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variance or waiver filed by Diane Testa Narkiewicz. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements .... 19785786 11/29/2017
Vol. 43/229
View Text Final
Technologist 19481206 Effective:
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variance or waiver filed by Pamela Dunay-Volk. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 19389444 9/7/2017
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variance or waiver filed by Darryl Pronty. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3), Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for .... 19353069 8/30/2017
Vol. 43/169
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Technologist, Technician, Director; Limitations and Qualifications 19310680 8/18/2017
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on November 2, 2016, by Debbie Jenkins. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 42, Number 235, of .... 19215620 7/21/2017
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Supervisor, Technologist, Technician, Director; Limitations and Qualifications 19200294 7/17/2017
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variance or waiver filed by Hector Soto. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(c), Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements .... 19200488 7/17/2017
Vol. 43/137
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variance or waiver filed by Sonia Velasquez. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements .... 19098735 6/20/2017
Vol. 43/119
View Text Proposed
The Board proposes the rule amendments to update the rules due to legislative changes. 18887760 4/24/2017
Vol. 43/79
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variance or waiver filed by Debbie R. Jenkins. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 18340195 12/6/2016
Vol. 42/235
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variance or waiver filed by Miguel Herman Estevez. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 3, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and certification .... 18245135 11/8/2016
Vol. 42/218
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variance or waiver filed by Yeny Baez. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and certification requirements .... 18229033 11/2/2016
Vol. 42/214
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variance or waiver filed by Clifford Michael Morris. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 18069565 9/29/2016
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variance or waiver filed by Jennifer Lombard. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 17891667 8/16/2016
Vol. 42/159
View Text Development
: For Rule 64B3-5.002, F.A.C., the Board proposes the rule amendment to update the rule due to legislative changes. For Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C., the Board proposes the rule amendment to update the rule due to legislative .... 17719977 7/1/2016
Vol. 42/128
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variance or waiver filed by Steve Charles. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements .... 17541982 5/17/2016
Vol. 42/96
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variance or waiver filed by Benjamin Witten. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 17521515 5/11/2016
Vol. 42/92
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variance or waiver filed by Bassam Abomoelak. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 17340125 3/24/2016
Vol. 42/58
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variance or waiver filed by Ivette Andrade. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(e), Option 2, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 17306660 3/18/2016
Vol. 42/54
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variance or waiver filed by Corey L. Williams. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(f), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 17206362 2/24/2016
Vol. 42/37
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variance or waiver filed by Yesenia Coto. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements .... 17099662 2/2/2016
Vol. 42/21
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variance or waiver filed by Yesenia Coto. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements .... 17095782 2/1/2016
Vol. 42/20
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variance or waiver filed by Nancy J. Schlachter. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 4b, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 16593225 10/8/2015
Vol. 41/196
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on January 15, 2015, by Yanic Valentine. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 41, Number 13, of .... 16256247 7/22/2015
Vol. 41/141
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on January 21, 2015, by Benjamin Stephen Witten. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 41, Number .... 16256150 7/22/2015
Vol. 41/141
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Technologist 16063217 Effective:
View Text Variances
of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on April 2, 2015, by Julianne Hubert. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 41, Number 65, of the .... 16099204 6/12/2015
Vol. 41/114
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The Board proposes the rule amendment to clarify the education requirements for a specialty in cytogenetics. 15929163 4/23/2015
Vol. 41/79
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Technologist 15821105 Effective:
View Text Development
The Board proposes the rule amendment to clarify the education requirements for a specialty in cytogenetics. 15863300 4/3/2015
Vol. 41/65
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variance or waiver filed by Julianne Hubert. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 2, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 15863106 4/3/2015
Vol. 41/65
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The Board proposes the rule amendment to amend the specialties included as a generalist; modify options for histotechnology specialty. 15647087 2/9/2015
Vol. 41/26
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variance or waiver filed by Benjamin Witten. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 15581321 1/23/2015
Vol. 41/15
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Technologist 15576859 1/22/2015
Vol. 41/14
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variance or waiver filed by Yanic Valentine. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 15572591 1/21/2015
Vol. 41/13
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variance or waiver filed by R.C. Laidman. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(g), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements .... 15514391 1/8/2015
Vol. 41/05
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variance or waiver filed by Magdalena Orosz. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 15216019 10/28/2014
Vol. 40/210
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on June 30, 2014, by Vanessa Negron-Asencio. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 40, Number 144, .... 15169944 10/14/2014
Vol. 40/200
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The Board proposes the rule amendment to amend the specialties included as a generalist; modify options for histotechnology specialty. 15132114 10/2/2014
Vol. 40/192
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The Board proposes the rule amendment to amend the specialties included as a generalist; modify options for histotechnology specialty. 15055096 9/12/2014
Vol. 40/178
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on January 13, 2014, by Matthew Brian Chandler. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 40, Number .... 14886122 7/31/2014
Vol. 40/148
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variance or waiver for Vannessa Negron-Asencio. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 3, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 14866819 7/25/2014
Vol. 40/144
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on April 14, 2014, by Andrea Plante. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 40, Number 100, of the .... 14760022 6/27/2014
Vol. 40/125
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of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on April 17, 2014, by Melanie Passon. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 40, Number 100, of the May 22, 2014, .... 14759925 6/27/2014
Vol. 40/125
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on April 15, 2014, by Colleen Barry Bracken. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 40, Number 83, .... 14759828 6/27/2014
Vol. 40/125
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on August 29, 2013, by Melanie Passon. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 39, Number 171, of the .... 14642167 6/3/2014
Vol. 40/107
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on May 28, 2013, by Julius Ceazer SG Papango. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 39, Number 104, .... 14642070 6/3/2014
Vol. 40/107
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variance or waiver for Melanie Passon. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 3, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements .... 14603755 5/22/2014
Vol. 40/100
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variance or waiver for Andrea Plante. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 3, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements .... 14603658 5/22/2014
Vol. 40/100
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waiver or variance, filed by Colleen Barry Bracken, of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 3, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for a licensure as a medical .... 14501032 4/29/2014
Vol. 40/83
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variance or waiver for Matthew Brian Chandler. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 3, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination .... 14354562 3/21/2014
Vol. 40/56
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Technologist 13545485 Effective:
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Melanie Passon. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 3, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for a specialty .... 13465169 9/3/2013
Vol. 39/171
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The Board proposes the rule amendment to update the certification requirements for a technologist and a technician. 13361476 8/12/2013
Vol. 39/156
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The Board proposes the rule amendment to update the certification requirements for a technologist and a technician. 13228198 7/12/2013
Vol. 39/135
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Julius Ceazar Papango. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for a specialty .... 13051173 5/29/2013
Vol. 39/104
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Technologist 12552011 Effective:
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The Board proposes the rule amendment to update the certification requirements for a technologist with a specialty in either Microbiology, Serology/Immunology, Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Immunohematology, Molecular .... 12371009 12/11/2012
Vol. 38/88
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The Board proposes the rule amendment to update the certification requirements for a technologist with a specialty in either Microbiology, Serology/Immunology, Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Immunohematology, Molecular .... 12175554 10/18/2012
Vol. 38/53
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Robert Justin May. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the education, training/experience and examination requirements for a specialty .... 12001924 9/21/2012
Vol. 38/38
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of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on March 28, 2012, by Julie Ann Reemelin. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 38, Number 15, of .... 11879316 8/17/2012
Vol. 38/33
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Julie Ann Reemelin. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the requirements for a specialty licensure as a technologist. 11376759 4/13/2012
Vol. 38/15
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Technologist 10957234 Effective:
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Candace Diane Fennell. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of paragraph 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the requirements for a specialty licensure as a technologist in Molecular Pathology. .... 10970814 1/27/2012
Vol. 38/04
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The Board proposes the rule amendment to update the requirements for a technologist. 10744707 12/9/2011
Vol. 37/49
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The Board proposes the rule amendment to update the requirements for a technologist. 10566033 10/28/2011
Vol. 37/43
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Anna-Kay McKnight Matos. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of paragraph 64B3-5.003(3)(b), Option 1, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the requirements for a specialty licensure as a technologist in blood .... 9977437 6/3/2011
Vol. 37/22
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Victoria S. Curtis. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of paragraph 64B3-5.003(3)(a), Option 2 and 3, Florida Administrative Code, which sets forth the requirements for a specialty licensure as a technologist in .... 9514650 12/23/2010
Vol. 36/51
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The Order is regarding the Petition for Waiver or Variance, which was filed on June 10, 2010, by Margarita Sosa. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 36, No. 25, of the June 25, 2010, Florida .... 9289028 10/22/2010
Vol. 36/42
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Oluwatosin Denise Ashimi, seeking a variance from the education requirement set forth in subsection 64B3-5.003(3), Florida Administrative Code for those seeking licensure. 8407589 3/19/2010
Vol. 36/11
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The Board proposes to review the majority of this Chapter in order to ensure that all rules conform with existing statutory requirements and to determine if amendments are necessary to address any matters concerning the .... 8083318 12/31/2009
Vol. 35/52
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Ling Guo. Petitioner is seeking a variance or waiver of subsection 64B3-5.002(1), Florida Administrative Code, which requires for licensure as a supervisor, an applicant shall be licensed to meet the requirements for licensure .... 7953726 11/25/2009
Vol. 35/47
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an emergency petition for variance or waiver from Ivan Marc E. De Los Reyes, who seeks a variance from the training experience requirement set forth in subsection 64B3-5.003(3), Florida Administrative Code, for medical technologists. .... 7746340 10/16/2009
Vol. 35/41
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Waiver or Variance filed by, Charles A. Peloquin, Pharm. D., from subsection 64B3-5.003(1), F.A.C., pertaining to the certification examinations requirement. Comments on this petition should be filed with: Board of Clinical .... 7391417 7/24/2009
Vol. 35/29
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Waiver or Variance filed by, Behrang Mahjoub, M.Sc., from subsection 64B3-5.003(1) F.A.C., pertaining to the certification examinations requirement. Comments on this petition should be filed with: Board of Clinical Laboratory .... 7391320 7/24/2009
Vol. 35/29
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Waiver or Variance filed by, Kyung Mee Kim, Ph.D., from subsection 64B3-5.003(1), F.A.C., pertaining to the certification examinations requirement. Comments on this petition should be filed with: Board of Clinical Laboratory .... 7391223 7/24/2009
Vol. 35/29
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Waiver or Variance filed by, Theodore Zagurski, from subsection 64B3-5.003(1), F.A.C., pertaining to the certification examinations requirement. Comments on this petition should be filed with: Board of Clinical Laboratory .... 7391126 7/24/2009
Vol. 35/29
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Waiver or Variance filed by, Vaneska Mayor, from subsection 64B3-5.003(1), F.A.C., pertaining to the certification examinations requirement. Comments on this petition should be filed with: Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel, .... 7391029 7/24/2009
Vol. 35/29
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The Petition for Waiver or Variance submitted by Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics, Inc., for and on behalf of the Infectious Disease Pharmacokinetics Laboratory, seeking a permanent waiver from subsection 64B3-5.003(3), .... 7382590 7/17/2009
Vol. 35/28
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Variance or Waiver filed by Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics, Inc., for and on behalf of the Infectious Disease Pharmacokinetics Laboratory, seeking a permanent waiver from subsection 64B3-5.003(3), F.A.C., for the following .... 7294611 6/26/2009
Vol. 35/25
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The Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel hereby gives notice of the issuance of an order denying the petition for waiver or variance filed by Thuy-Ai Huynh. The Petitioner filed a petition for waiver or variance from Rule .... 7290246 6/26/2009
Vol. 35/25
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Technologist 7244947 Effective:
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Thuy Ai Huynh. Petitioner is seeking a variance from the experience requirement set forth in subsection 64B3-5.003(3), Florida Administrative Code, for those seeking a specialty. The original notice of variance and waiver .... 7079077 5/1/2009
Vol. 35/17
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The purpose of this notice is to: (1) incorporate a new version of the application form for those seeking licensure as Public Health Laboratory Scientists; (2) require those seeking initial licensure as a Clinical Laboratory .... 7049880 4/24/2009
Vol. 35/16
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The Board proposes to review the majority of this Chapter in order to ensure that all rules conform with existing statutory requirements and to determine if amendments are necessary to address any matters concerning the .... 6941822 3/27/2009
Vol. 35/12
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Thuy Ai Huynh. Petitioner is seeking a variance from the education requirement set forth in subsection 64B3-5.003(3), Florida Administrative Code, for those seeking a specialty. 6956275 3/27/2009
Vol. 35/12
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The Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel hereby gives notice that it has received a petition for variance or waiver filed with the Office of the Deputy Clerk on October 16, 2008 from Petitioner Myriam Sanchez, who seeks .... 6389601 11/7/2008
Vol. 34/45
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The Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel hereby gives notice that it has received a petition for variance or waiver filed with the Office of the Deputy Clerk on October 24, 2008 from Petitioner Younghee Lee, who seeks .... 6389116 11/7/2008
Vol. 34/45
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Technologist 5174482 Effective:
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5165946 2/1/2008
Vol. 34/05
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hereby gives notice that it rendered an Order granting the Amended Petition for Variance or Waiver of Rule 64B3-5.003, F.A.C. filed by Beulah F. Briones on October 16, 2007. The Board considered this matter during a duly-noticed, .... 4988921 12/21/2007
Vol. 33/51
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The purpose of this notice is to correct errors that were present in the version of this rule that became effective on July 9, 2007. 4964865 12/14/2007
Vol. 33/50
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variance or waiver from Petitioner Beulah F. Briones, who seeks a variance from Rule 64B3-5.003, Florida Administrative Code, with respect to the qualification requirements for a medical technologist. 4782214 11/2/2007
Vol. 33/44
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The purpose of this notice is to correct errors that were present in the version of this rule that became effective on July 9, 2007. 4743996 10/19/2007
Vol. 33/42
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Technologist 4329709 Effective:
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Technologist 4129016 5/18/2007
Vol. 33/20
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Technologist 4042007 4/27/2007
Vol. 33/17
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Technologist 4041910 4/27/2007
Vol. 33/17
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The Board proposes amendments for the academic qualifications of clinical laboratory personnel technologists. 3858774 3/9/2007
Vol. 33/10
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The Board proposes to review the entirety of this Chapter to ensure that all rules conform with existing statutory requirements and to determine if amendments and/or new rule language is necessary pertaining to all matters .... 3816385 3/2/2007
Vol. 33/09
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The Board proposes amendments for the academic qualifications of clinical laboratory personnel technologists. 3479213 1/26/2007
Vol. 33/04
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Technologist 2373219 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The Board proposes amendments for the academic qualifications of clinical laboratory personnel technologists. 195084 3/31/2006
Vol. 32/13
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The Board proposes to review the entirety of this Chapter to ensure that all rules conform with existing statutory requirements and to determine if amendments and/or new rule language is necessary pertaining to all matters .... 6128 1/6/2006
Vol. 32/01